By Staff
Published on March 1, 1972
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Courtesy of Wayne A. Sphar, 51 W. Strawberry Ave., Washington, Pa. 15301.
Courtesy of Wayne A. Sphar, 51 W. Strawberry Ave., Washington, Pa. 15301.
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Courtesy of Ervin A. Wiborn, 905 Warvely Rd., Dimondale, Michigan 48821.
Courtesy of Ervin A. Wiborn, 905 Warvely Rd., Dimondale, Michigan 48821.
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Courtesy of Ervin A. Wiborn, 905 Warvely Rd., Dimondale, Michigan 48821.
Courtesy of Ervin A. Wiborn, 905 Warvely Rd., Dimondale, Michigan 48821.

Elmer Alls house, right, and helper rocking the 12 HP Hercules
flywheels into compression. The largest gas engine at the Fort
Allen 6th Antique Farm Equipment Association Exhibition,
Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

A shot of my Olds Gas Power engine which is an 8 HP and weighs
1800 lbs. The truck is one I have built and have the engine setting
on it now. I don’t know what year the Olds gas power engine was

Here are pictures of a few items from my collection. At the top
is my Duplex truck which is a 1916 2? ton, hard rubber tires. This
truck is original, even the paint which is red wheels, gray frame
and body, black hood and radiator. A little background of
Duplex–four wheel drive on Duplex started with their first trucks
in 1909. Speed is ten loaded and fifteen empty. Eight speeds
forward and two reverse.

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