Elmer Alls house, right, and helper rocking the 12 HP Hercules
flywheels into compression. The largest gas engine at the Fort
Allen 6th Antique Farm Equipment Association Exhibition,
Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
A shot of my Olds Gas Power engine which is an 8 HP and weighs
1800 lbs. The truck is one I have built and have the engine setting
on it now. I don’t know what year the Olds gas power engine was
Here are pictures of a few items from my collection. At the top
is my Duplex truck which is a 1916 2? ton, hard rubber tires. This
truck is original, even the paint which is red wheels, gray frame
and body, black hood and radiator. A little background of
Duplex–four wheel drive on Duplex started with their first trucks
in 1909. Speed is ten loaded and fifteen empty. Eight speeds
forward and two reverse.