After the storm, Wilbur and Scott Barnett’s Reid was covered
in tents. It suffered a small dent and broken thermometer, but
otherwise escaped major damage.
Howdy, fellow Oaf’s and Oafette’s! The shows this year
have been great, haven’t they? It’s always nice to see old
friends and meet new ones at the engine shows.
Earlier in the season I spoke with Wilbur and Scott Barnett of
Xenia, Ohio, about their experiences with the tragic tornado that
hit their city last year and did extensive damage to the
fairgrounds. This happened just a day or two before the Old Timers
Days Show and caused the show to be cancelled. I told Wilbur I
thank the Lord that the tornado didn’t hit during the show, or
many more people might have been injured. Wilbur and Scott tell me
that reconstruction of the fairgrounds has come along real well and
they anticipate a return of the Old Timers show this Sept.
Wilbur gave me a couple of photos of their Reid as it sat after
the storm had passed. It appears that it was the entanglement for
lots of tent tarps and debris. Wilbur felt as though the engine had
not been moved by the storm, but friends who were in the vicinity
during the tornado’s passing feel as though the heavy engine
may have moved a little from the terrible force of the wind. The
only damage to the engine was a small dent in the water tank and a
broken thermometer.
Daniel Muller sent us a photo of this oilfield engine. Please
contact Daniel at the address listed in the article if you can
identify this engine or offer information that might be useful.
Also this month, we have a photo of an oil field engine. The
owner, Daniel Muller, requests that if anyone can identify this
engine or offer other info on it to please contact him at: 7316
Northwest Nevada, Parkville, MO 64152. Call him at 816-891-9174, or
email:daniel.j. muller
As always, if you’d like a membership in The Oil Field
Engine Society – the ‘Oafs’ – please send an SASE to my
address below. Also, you can visit the OFES on the internet at or email us at Feel
free to send in your experience with oilfield engines.
Contact Russell L. Farmer, The Oil Field Engine Society, at
1231 Banta’s Creek Road, Eaton, OH 45320-9701