By Staff
Published on September 1, 1970
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Courtesy of Charles I. Bond, 300'A S. W. 3rd St., Richmond, Indiana 47374.
Courtesy of Charles I. Bond, 300'A S. W. 3rd St., Richmond, Indiana 47374.

5098 S. Livonia Rd. Livonia, New York 14487

We have just returned from a short trip to Florida and while
there called on Col. Ilerdon, Earl Nickerson, Tony Ullrich, Earl
Smith and Keith Oderkirk. We had a very cordial reception at each
place, and Mt. Nickerson started his tractor, old Studebaker car
which he let me drive, and several engines. He is a farmer from
Jamestown, N.Y. While chasing engines I have met many fine people
in southern N.Y. and Penna. and Mr. Nickerson certainly has
transplanted this warm cordiality to Fla. The Col. took me to his
race track where he keeps his engines, and showed me many
interesting engines and machines. He is a real gentleman in the
southern tradition. Mr. Oderkirk and Mr. Smith have large
collections of old cars, tractors, machinery, and household
antiques. Mr. Ullrich operates a machine shop and restores

Here is the gist of a letter I sent to Mr. Howard Turnbull about
a problem he mentioned in the last issue. You might want to print
it for other peoples information.

In regards to the New Way engine; the oil pipe should go up to
an angle check valve like the one that goes on the gas line. From
there a bent piece of pipe goes to the outer end of the fan
spindle. Its purpose is to oil the fan and other parts in that
area. It was put on that side of the engine so it would take a
little oil over the ball in the valve and force it up to the

The oiler should be set to deliver about 10 or 12 drops a
minute. You should put enough oil in the crankcase to touch the
connecting rod when it is down to the bottom of its travel. After
this initial oiling the oil from the oiler should keep the level
high enough and keep the fan and other parts oiled.

The buzz saw blade would want to turn about 600 to 900 rpm. The
faster you turn it the faster it will cut, but will use more power.
Be careful not to let the log shift while cutting and bind the saw,
as the power stored in the balance wheel could shatter the blade
and cause injuries to people in the area. My father told of a
neighbor being killed this way. We always used a tractor on the
buzz saw and took off the balance wheel. Then the belt would slip
before any damage would be done.

My father and a right side view of the engine.

Rear view of the Sandow engine. Shown in this picture are the
arm from the governor to the crankcase air valve, the priming cup
and the two side oiler.

A top view of the engine in which are shown the timing lever. It
is black with the attached white wire, the carburetor and the two
side oiler.

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