The following text has been translated from advertising
literature published by National Farm Machinery Co. of Montamagny,
Quebec, about 1921. The literature was translated from the original
French by students in the Petitcodiac Regional High School in
Petitcodiac, New Brunswick, where Donald Taylor teaches.
The National engine, which won the gold medal at the last
Provincial Exposition, is so superior that it’s not necessary
to demonstrate. It has proven this by how it is fabricated as well
as by its principles and how it functions. It leaves all the other
machines on the market today far behind.
General advantages of the National engine. The
mechanisms of our engines are simple. Everyone with a little
attention, even without experience, can succeed in making it work.
Also, we make a machine that costs almost nothing and is so
inexpensive to run that all those who need more power just
can’t pass up a National engine. Superior material. Our engines
are built from the best materials, by workers with great experience
and are sold by responsible agents and manufacturers. They are, in
the highest degree, built solidly, efficient, resistant, and they
have a simple mechanical structure.
Scientific service. Our chemists are doing
every detailed analysis of all the pieces in the engine. Before it
leaves the factory it undergoes a service inspection. They are not
shipped out of the factory until the inspector certifies that the
construction is done perfectly and that it produces a surplus of
Economy of the combustion. Because of the
simplicity of the models and the perfect balance of the parts of
our engine, the length of the piston, the size of the iron wedges,
the appropriate weight of the flywheels, the precision and minute
drilling of the piston rings and the force of the shaft; thanks
also to our method of holding the combustion charge ready for
exhaust by the valve, the attention that we give to the general
construction and to several other points described later on, our
motors are without contest the most economical ever built in this
country. Our clients who already have a National motor know that
their machines painlessly pay for themselves in no time by the
economy of the combustion.
Base. Like the foundation of a. house, the base
of the motor is essential for it to last. In our motor, it is
separated from the cylinder, the surface is smooth to receive it,
and the sub-base is bolted solidly to assure perfect alignment.
This base is exceptionally large to conserve the rigidity of the
iron that will not move under load.
Crankshaft. The crankshaft is steel forged with
carbon with a steam hammer, and not welded. This increases the
resistance force. The crankshaft of each engine is big enough to
support easily the effort needed for the total development of its
power, even under adverse conditions. The crankshaft leaves enough
space on each side of the motor for the pulley to be mounted on
either side.
Piston. Pistons are made of homogeneous metal,
well polished and perfectly fitted to the cylinder. The piston is
of formidable weight to assure expansion and compression are equal
when heated.
Rings. The rings of the piston are made of
special metal, well turned, with a slightly arched exterior, very
elastic, well fitted and machined on every contour to assure
efficient compression and perfect ignition, which is necessary to
obtain efficient power.
Connecting Rod. All our motors have a steel
connecting rod also forged by a steam hammer. It forms an
‘I’ shape and its stiffness supports the effort of the
output. Its length is proportional to crankshaft to assure a
uniform distribution of power and to eliminate unnecessary strain.
The iron wedges of the connecting rod are coated in tin. They are
kept in place with bolts and safety nuts.
Wheels. In our motors they are of convenient
dimensions to get the greatest advantage of extra force after each
explosion. They have the weight needed to support the shock of the
explosion and assure a regular speed that is the purpose to the
Speed regulator. The motor regulator is built
very simply and works perfectly, even when the machine is at top
speed. It controls effectively the function of the motor.
The muffler. The muffler, forgotten by others,
has been given special attention by us. It is constructed in such a
way to suppress any danger of an accident even when they’re
used inside a building. Carburetor. It is easy to pretend that a
gas motor functions with ordinary oil, but successful usage must be
based on practical experiences. Our carburetor was built to render
possible effective use of petroleum (kerosene) as fuel. There are
three important and essential points for a petroleum motor:
vaporization, compression and spark. Our carburetor uses all these
vital points to make a perfect mechanism.
Cylinder head. The cooling is by circulation of
water. The cylinder head is fitted to the cylinder by a liquid
tight joint that fits perfectly. It can be replaced separately in
case of accident. The valves are in the head. Oiling. The cylinder
has a lubricating system which adjusts to regulate the flow of oil
that lubricates the piston, and the end of the connecting rod. The
crankshaft end of the connecting rod is lubricated by grease as are
the crankshaft bearings. The smaller parts are arranged so that
they are lubricated easier and conserve oil.
Magneto. All our motors are supplied with a
Webster three pole magneto that is, in fact, a small alternator
inductor. In this magneto, the constructors ensured that it not
only has excellent ignition but also is long lasting and
Bearings. These bearings, large, substantial
and coated with anti-friction metal, allows the machine to operate
without vibration. The bearing seats are smooth and the oil drains
assure perfect lubrication. The bearings are replaced as easily as
the ones in an automobile. This is an important advantage for the
life of the motor.
Ignition. The ignition is very important for
the spark is essential for a good working motor.
Cylinder. The cylinder is bored with great
precision and the surface smoothed with great care to ensure
accuracy. The water jacket around the cylinder is complete and
large enough to ensure perfect cooling. Our motors don’t suffer
with temperature changes and work well in cold weather without
losing their effectiveness.
Finish. All our motors are finished by hand.
The oil, paint and varnish that we use are the best on the market.
The exterior surface is covered by two good coats of adhesive
paint, then polished carefully before receiving the final coat of
With a ‘National’ motor, the buyer is his own
1. The National motor is essentially Canadian.
2. Each National motor develops more power than
3. All pieces of a National motor are interchangeable and
can be furnished at any time.
4. Each National motor produces its spark by means of a Webster
magneto and not by means of a battery.
5. The National motor is economical because with the minimum
fuel, it produces the maximum work.
6. The National motor, thanks to its regulator, can change
speeds without stopping.
7. The National motor has a long, heavy crankshaft forged
by a steam hammer and not welded like many others.
8. The muffler is built in a fashion to avoid all danger
of fires so that the motor can be used indoors.
9. The simple spark mechanism, strong and easily changed,
has perfectly insulated electrodes.
10. The National motor does not produce vibrations and therefore
works with more force and with less wear and tear.
11. The cylinder here has a water circulation system that
prevents the heating of the valves and ensures more durability.
12. Our carburetor is perfected; at all times and at all
speeds it produces a perfect mixture.
13. We have gathered in the workshop of National Motors the
best experts in the country.
14. The National motor is not shipped to our clients until
it is minutely examined and approved by our inspection service.
Our motors are mounted on a hardwood truck. In each
machine’s box we put a can of oil, a box of grease, a can niter
of cylinder oil, a wing-nut key, an instruction book containing a
list of spare parts, and inspection certificate signed by the chief
inspector. Before starting our motor, the client should read the
instruction book.