Highlard Drive, P.O. 246, Elfers, Florida 33531
First Two pictures are of the Nash model and the third picture
is the ‘Novelty’ that I built.
With reference to the Nash gas engine shown on the Nov.-Dec.
1973 issue of G.E.M. I would say that I have a book, ‘Gas,
Gasoline & Oil Engines’ dated 1898 in which the Nash
engines are fully described. The smaller sizes, such as shown in
G.E.M. are two cycle engines, the gas/air mixture being admitted to
the crankcase through a port in the cylinder wall opened and closed
by the lower edge of the piston as in a modern three port
The unusual feature is that the charge was transferred to the
combustion chamber by means of a cam and push rod operated valve.
The exhaust was three ports in the lower end of cylinder in the
usual way. In an effort to obtain more even running at idling
speeds, many years ago, I designed and built an engine on a similar
principle with the idea that the gas mixture would be close to the
spark plug, thus assuring ignition even at low throttle.
I afterwards found that Nash engines embodied this feature 75
years ago! [See photos of this engine].
Also – photo of a two cycle engine which I built from castings
supplied by the Novelty Mfg. Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio in 1912. This
engine originally had a spoked flywheel and a ‘wipe’
contact and buzz coil, but during W.W. 2, I made some changes;
fitting a Bosch magneto and added counterweights to the crankshaft.
My son used to ride to work on a scooter fitted with this
The only unusual feature is the very neat method of attaching
the cylinder to the crankcase. A groove is turned in the bottom
part of the cylinder which corresponds with projections in each
half of the crankcase, which when bolted together holds the
cylinder securely.
Hope this is of some interest to some fellow enthusiasts.