Mysterious Vertical Engine

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1998
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9138 Farrington Ct. Elk Grove, California 95624

These are pictures of my vertical engine of unknown make. The
bottom end closely resembles a Cushman but is not identical. The
gear drive and water pump on the engine were taken from a Cushman
but had to be modified slightly to fit the side plate of the
engine. The cylinder and head are not like any Cushman I have seen.
There is a clutch and chain sprocket behind the belt pulley.
Ignition is by spark plug and buzz coil. Both valves are operated
by cam and pushrod.

I acquired the engine without the water pump, gear drive unit,
and Schebler carburetor. Otherwise it was complete and in good
condition, although the manifold is evidently homemade and the
clutch is frozen. It runs well and has so much compression I have
to hold it and let some of the compression bleed off before I can
flip it.

I have not found any name or numbers on it. When I display this
engine I always leave the rocker cover on it hoping someone will
recognize the unique shape. Can anyone tell me the manufacturer and
age of this engine?

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