7945 Devonshire Heights Rd. Hummelstouin, Pennsylvania 17036
This is a Parcell and Weed gas engine, hit and miss type circa
1900, that my dad M. H. ‘Dick’ Seibert restored and
modified in 1980. At that time, he added a side shaft, built a
water pump and an open air steam radiator for a cooling system, a
fuel pump, a mechanical oiler to oil the piston and cylinder, a
throttling governor, and cam operated valves. He also added an
ignition system constructed from a segment of a lawn mower flywheel
operating off the sideshaft, which makes it a four cycle engine
Dad suffered a stroke in 1981, and has since been unable to do
things of this nature so, together with his guidance, I try to keep
it in repair and running, which puts a smile on his face as he sits
there and watches it run.
You can see it operating at local antique engine shows, mainly
Rough and Tumble at Kinzers, Pennsylvania.
Dad has been a subscriber for many years and I’m sure he
will be surprised and happy when he sees this picture and story. We
both enjoy the Gas Engine Magazine very much.