16732 Robinson Road, Marysville, Ohio 43040
The Jaeger is just one of the many beautifully restored engines
and tractors that can be seen at the Miami Valley Steam Threshers
Show. Last year’s large display of 500 tractors included the
featured tractor, which was Oliver/Hart-Parr. Weather permitting,
the 1992 show may even be greater.
Show dates will be July 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1992. The location is
under the towering oaks of beautiful Pastime Park in Plain City,
Ohio. Featured this year is the Allis-Chalmers/Rumely line of
equipment. In addition, the regular features of wheat threshing,
corn shredding, operating saw mill, shingle mill, veneer mill and
blacksmith shop, flea markets, and a large downtown parade will
again be part of the schedule of events.
Contact persons for the Allis-Chalmers/Rumely display are: Fred
McDaniel, 513-568-4802 and Vern Scheiderer, 614-873-5348.