Route 4, Box 464, Olympia, Washington 98502
This picture shows the flywheel of one engine and the corner of
the base of the other can be seen in this picture. My wife and
son-in-law are in the background. This picture was taken just prior
to my removing the blackberry vines.
This is what I found after removing the blackberry vines. One is
a 6 HP Fairbanks Morse engine and the other is a 4 HP Bulldog. Both
are in restorable condition and I will restore them.
I have been a subscriber of the Gas Engine Magazine for two
years. I enjoy it more than any magazine I have ever read.
I think I may have at least a partial answer to the question
that is asked at every engine show ‘Where do you find these old
engines?’ A few days ago a friend overheard me ask in a second
hand store if they had any old sight feed oilers. My friend spoke
up and said he had two of the old engines that used oilers.
Sometime later I went with my friend to see the two engines.
I’m sending pictures to show where I found them.