The progress on the 7 HP Hercules screen-cooled engine replica
continues, but somewhat slowly. The story today is mostly in
pictures, and the first picture shows the newly cast cylinder cover
and lid in place on the cylinder (see Photo #1). The coolant pipe
is in place, as is the oiler pipe and the oiler. Since the oiler
pipe passes through the water jacket, it requires a water-tight
joint. The originals had packing around the pipe, but in this case
I’m hoping a little silicone on the bottom side will do the
trick. The igniter, igniter trip and right-angle priming cup are in
place. Mow, where does the I.D. tag belong? Very early E Model
engines of this type had the tag on the base, but in this case a
spot on the front top of the cylinder cover has been chosen as
Photo #2 shows an aluminum pulley that will drive the water pump
being turned on the lathe. Photo #3 shows the pulley mounted on the
crankshaft spacer and the water pump it will drive. The water pump
had to be small to fit between the crankshaft throw and the
flywheel, and a small, offset flywheel salvaged from an electric
treadmill mechanism proved ideally suited for the pump pulley.
Photo #4 shows the screen cooler connecting cone, which was
turned on the lathe from a solid piece of aluminum.
And finally, Photo #5 shows how it was necessary to route the
plumbing to allow for a head drain. It had to leave room for
accessing the fuel filler spout and for the exhaust pipe and
muffler. With luck, next month we may get to see the whole thing
assembled and ready to go.
Glenn Karch is a noted authority on Hercules engines. Contact
him at: 20601 Old State Rd., Haubstadt, IN 47639, or e-mail at: