Learn the latest news on upcoming Gas Up and gas engine reunion meetings.
News on gas up and gas engine reunion meetings. Because of the weather the “gas-up” on May 7th was not
very successful. There was a mixture of rain, sleet and snow all
day. Even so, there was a very good crowd. Twenty-five engines were
counted running at one time. Because of the weather, the auction
was postponed and will be held late Saturday afternoon of the annual reunion on July 29th.
Dick Wood, a Director of the Association, had a “gas-up”
at his home in Livonia, N. Y. on May 14th. The Central New York
Branch had a raly at the home of George King, Port Ontario, N. Y.
on May 21st.
The Committees have been named for the Annual Reunion which will
be held on July 28, 29, and 30 at Fairville, N. Y. This is on Route
88, between Newark on Route 31 and Sodus on Route 104. Non-members
give a gate donation of $1.00 (men only, women and children
Other attractions in the neighborhood are the Rose Gardens in
Newark, and the Morman Pagent which is held the same weekend in the
There will be a place for tents and campers. If you wish motel
accommodations, I suggest that you get them in the morning before
you come to the show. Last year some had trouble when they waited
until evening.
Our membership has reached number 310, which is only three short
of the total for 1966. If you wish to join, send $2.00 to me, Mrs.
Dorothy B. Smith, Ontario, N. Y.