Troubleshooting With Gas Engine Parts

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1967
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Photo courtesy of George F. Kempher, Emporium, PA.
Photo courtesy of George F. Kempher, Emporium, PA.
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Photo courtesy of Walter C. Bieritz, Yorkville, Illinois.
Photo courtesy of Walter C. Bieritz, Yorkville, Illinois.
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Photo courtesy of E. Wm. Timmerman, Oakley, Illinois.
Photo courtesy of E. Wm. Timmerman, Oakley, Illinois.
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Troubleshooting the gas engine using gas engine parts.
Troubleshooting the gas engine using gas engine parts.
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Troubleshooting the gas engine using gas engine parts 2.
Troubleshooting the gas engine using gas engine parts 2.

Learn about troubleshooting with gas engine parts.

News on troubleshooting with gas engine parts. I wasn’t studying my lessons closely enough, for I note that
the publication deadline was November 10 and it is now December.
This early deadline probably was for getting the magazine out in
time to allow the staff to enjoy the holidays and I think they all
certainly have earned a rest and relaxation. The first year of
publication undoubtedly was a great effort but was a great joy to
the old engine buffs.

Looking through the Fall and Winter Montgomery Ward & Co.
Catalog for the year 1924-25 I found they were selling their “Sattley” line of engines in two models. The first was a “New Sattley 1 hp”. It was advertised to develop two
horsepower under load and to be “A Simple, Sturdy Engine With
40 Less Working Parts . . . Less Wear — Fewer Repairs . . . A General
Purpose Engine”. I found this specially interesting in regard
to present day restoring: “Ten Working Parts Interchangeable
With Standard Ford Parts . . . Pistons, Piston Rings, Piston Pins,
Spark Plug, Piston Pin Bushings, Valve Spring Seat, Spring Seat
Plug Pin, Valve — Exhaust and Intake, Connecting Rod Cap Bolt,
Connecting Rod Clamp Screw. Regular Ford Pistons and Valves may be
used with slight alterations . . . “. Slots probably had to be
cut or filed in the piston to guide oil to the piston pin from the
lubricator, but I don’t know what changes in the valves are

Simplicity was emphasized: “All parts of the engine are
quickly and easily accessible. For example: the side rod, cam,
gear, governor parts and speed change parts can be removed by
taking off two nuts”. Actually, one nut holds all this stuff on
and the second nut locks the first one. These nuts also adjust the
governor spring tension. Anyway, be real sure the first nut is
locked on by the second nut, or the whole business will run off and
this usually spells disaster for the timing gear — a part not
easily replaced. Specs.: 1 hp at normal speed of 550 RPM. Bore,
3 inches. Stroke, 4 inches. Wico Magneto. Pulley, 4 by 4 inches.
Crankshaft diameter, 1 1/2 inches. Flywheels, diameter, 15 inches;
weight, each, 45 pounds. Shipping weight 265 pounds. Price:

Since Model T Ford parts are available many places, I thought
this information might be of special help to those with limited
tool facilities wishing to restore an engine. Also, Wico still
sells points and condensers for their Model EK Magneto such as this
engine and many others use. This is Wico part X6494 Condenser and
12X502D Breaker Set which consists of stationary point, washers and
nuts, and movable point, screw, spring and felts.

Montgomery Ward also advertised Hit and Miss Sattley Engines in
3, 5, and 7 hp models. These weighed 470, 925, and 1300 pounds
and cost $91.00, $125.75, and $145.00 respectively.

“The Right Size Engine”. The 1 hp size will operate your
pump jack, separator, churn, washer, or grindstone.

This small engine was made by the Elgin Wheel and Engine Works,
Elgin, 111. They were advertized in the Popular Mechanics Magazine
in 1911 so are at least that old. It stands 11 inches high from
base to the top of the cylinder and is 2 cycle.

I think this is a nice winter scene with the first snow of the
season showing my “girl”, my wife, with our own snow capped
mountain Goliath in the background. This mountain that we call
Goliath happens to be a Case 40-72 tractor, safe from junk
collectors in our own back yard.

“The 3 hp size is handy for the workshop, or it will run a
10 or 11 inch feed cutter, 4 to 6 inch feed grinder, 2-hole corn
shelter, concrete mixer, cider mill, fanning mill, or 20-inch

“The 5 H.P. size is most popular for general farm work,
handling the tougher jobs, as it does, yet is economical of fuel on
the lighter work. Power is ample to run a 26 inch saw, 250-watt
dynamo, or a 6 or 8 inch grinder, a 12 inch cutter”.

“The 7 H.P. we recommend for an 8-inch grinder, 12-inch burr
mill, 12-inch ensilage cutter with table, 16-inch cutter with
carrier, 2-roll corn husker, 4-hole sheller, or a 30 or 32 inch

Also advertised were hand trucks and power saw rig outfits for
these engines, priced up to $210.00 for the portable Saw Rig with 7
hp Gasoline Engine which weighed 1885 pounds.

Last summer I found nearly buried in an old mine dump the frame
of an unknown something or other which had an outboard cylinder. I
finally decided to bring it home for further inspection even though
I had to roll, drag and heave it down a mountain side littered with
rock, trees and rubble from a snowslide for about a quarter of a
mile. Recently, after considerable scraping, cleaning and
‘detective work’ I discovered on the cylinder and main
bearing caps, faintly cast the letters “Temple Gas Engine 4 in.”. The bore measures 4 inches as the inscription indicates.
Apparently it was hit and miss with hot tube ignition and had a
water jacket. The valves are pipe-elbow-like affairs that screwed
on and look to be interchangeable. I would like to build the
crankshaft, flywheel and timing gears for this if anyone can supply
any measurements, pictures or advertisements for this.

Ron Magnuson, Good Hope, Illinois, collects gas engines, old
spark plugs, and snapshots of gas engines, gas tractors, and steam
engines. He has discovered a 7 hp Alamo and a 7 H.P. Rock Island
engine to be practically identical. I would guess The Alamo Co. of
Hillsdale, Michigan, made both.

This is a picture of my 6 Maytag engines. Four of them are twin
cylinders. The one on the left is brand new, never been run. I
picked it up in a hardware store in Minnesota this summer on our
vacation. One of them has the original Maytag plugs (Scrip) by
Champion. The other two are single cylinder. One of these an old

Can anyone enlighten us on anything about Alamo or Rock Island
Plow Co. Engines. Also, what type of Magnetos are used on these
engines. I have a 1911 4 hp Alamo “Blue Line” Engine
that uses the Webster Mag but I note a picture in September/October 66
GEM, page 20, Ralph Fullers 2 hp Rock Island has some other type of

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