We all know how valuable some of the old engines we collect have
become, but what were they worth in the day? A look at the
classified ads in the Feb. 1917 issue of Gas Review
provides interesting insight. Now, if only we could still contact
those folks!
Aero motor pumping engine; good running condition. $12.50. Burns
Hompstead, Croton, Ohio.
One 15 HP Falk portable kerosene. Mew. Cheap. One 7 HP kerosene
wood sawing outfit in fine shape. Schmidt & Albrecht,
Watertown, Wis.
12 HP Stover horizontal tank-cooled engine with friction clutch
pulley in first-class condition. $235. Badger Motor Co., Milwaukee,
Ellis 6 HP kerosene engine. Run very little. I have no further
use for it. Will sell cheap. W.E. Green, St. Thomas, N.D.
12 HP Huber and 12 HP Case steam traction engines, or will trade
for portable gas engine. F. W. Boden, Sterling, Neb.