It belongs to Tom Stark, 214 Harbor Drive, Hendersonville,
Tennessee 37075. Tom says he was replacing his mailbox every two or
three months, but now if it gets hit, he doesn’t have to
replace the box.
It is a Minneapolis-Moline mailbox owned by LeRoy Wonder, RR2,
Danbury, Iowa 51019, whose other M-M’s actually run!!
Some engine collectors are content with tractors and traditional
farm equipment. They carefully restore their engines and proudly
display them at annual shows. But then, there are those who
don’t stop with the expected who use their hobby for the
unusual or let it carry over into other areas of life. On this page
are examples of such carryovers.
The outfit consists of an old platform rocker, a girl
mannequin, a binder pitman, a pumpjack, and a Rawleigh 1 HP engine.
The Rawleigh is one of 65 engines that Syl, of 1027 Harding St.,
Janesville, WI 53545, owns and displays at shows in his area.