Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assoc. Inc.

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1992

Vice President, Rt.2 Box 167A, Republic, Missouri 65738

As I write this article, spring is just around the corner and
that means the ’92 show season is close at hand. I am a member
of Branch 16 and we will have had our annual Swap

Meet in April. The members are looking forward to getting out
for that first show of the year.

In getting ready for the 1992 show season, remember to follow
all safety rules. Anytime we have machinery and people together,
there is a chance for accidents to happen. Don’t depend on your
safety officers to do all of the work. We all need to be on the
lookout for unsafe conditions.

It’s not too early to be making plans to attend the ’92
National Show at Union Gap, Washington, August 15 & 16. Union
Gap is near Yakima. Branch 12 will be the host this year. I have
talked to Branch 12 president Don Monroe, and they have already put
a lot of work in planning and getting ready for the show. Friday
evening, August 14th is the kickoff with a lighted motorized
equipment parade at approximately 9:00 p.m., downtown Union Gap.
The National meeting will be Saturday, August 15 at 7:00 p.m.

Also featured at this year’s national show will be the
Lindeman John Deere. For more information, you can contact Branch
12 President Don Monroe, 3311 W. Lincoln Ave., Yakima, Washington

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