Air-Cooled Ideal Engine

By Staff
Published on July 1, 2001
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10267 Tyler Road Lakeview, Michigan 48850

Donald Kinsey of 10267 Tyler Road, Lakeview, Michigan 48850,
sent this picture of his air-cooled Ideal model R engine.

My air-cooled Ideal Model R engine is the larger of three models
produced in Lansing, Michigan, from what I can gather, in the teens
and twenties. Evidently, there are no records of the serial
numbersthe one on my engine is X-30239. It is equipped with a Wico
EK magneto, 4′ bore and 12′ flywheels. These were used on
estate lawn mowers that appear to be quite heavy and

I bought this engine in Florida a few years ago and brought it
back to Michigan. It appeared to be in fairly good condition and
ran, though not very well. In dismantling it I found that the main
bearings were tapered rollers, and the one on the magneto side was
bad and needed replacing. The babbitt in the connecting rod was in
need of repouring, and the crankcase breather was rotted out. I
replaced the exhaust valve and the carburetor (which was incorrect)
and refinished the entire engine.

The shroud was made by a good friend, but omitted, so the
details of the engine could be seen and appreciated. I fabricated
the skid of Michigan black walnut and varnished it with urethane
spar varnish.

If anyone has any information on these engines I would welcome

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