Hercules Engine News

By Staff
Published on April 1, 1996

20601 Old State Road Haubstadt, Indiana 47639

For many brands of gas engines it is difficult to find
literature or any other reference material. Luckily, there is an
abundance of material available on most engines produced by the
Hercules Gas Engine Company and its successors. The following is an
abbreviated list of what is currently known about:

Two large Hercules catalogs dating about 1918 and 1926 with some
colored illustrations.

A booklet ‘The Gas Engine on the Farm’ from about 1925
showing engines in use and testimonials.

Two log saw folders one in color.

Numerous Hercules and Economy instruction books covering the D
through S models.

Instruction book on the X models.

Instruction book on the J models.

Model T Thermoil instruction book.

Model U and UA Thermoil instruction books The latter also in

Dynoil instruction book.

Hoag engine folder.

Brantford engine literature.

Cummins model C instruction book.

Penmac advertisement.

Two Hercules folders one in French one in Spanish.

ARCO engine instruction book.

All gas engine pages from Sears catalogs1914 through 1934 on
Economy & Thermoil engines about 100 pages.

Two pocket size Hercules catalogs.

Several Hercules price lists.

Catalog and Serial:

Catalog and serial number list for engines made at Plessisville,

Three pages from Sears sale catalogs.

Two pieces relating to Jaeger engine instructions.

Twenty original drawings of carts and saw rigs for the model D
and early model E engines18′ x 22′.

Master parts catalog from 1938 listing parts for all engine
models and sizes plus Sparta Economy parts.

Periodical dealer booklet entitled ‘Hercules News.’

News clippings from Evansville, Indiana newspapers.

Hercules playing cards.

Elkhart magneto folder.

Color post card showing Economy engines in the factory.

Turney course books on teaching gas engine principles.

There are likely other pieces of related literature out there
that yours truly is not aware of.

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