Young Iron Revisited: Following In His Grandfather’s Footsteps

Catching up with enthusiast Jordan Friedrich.

By Staff
Updated on July 3, 2021
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Collector Jordan Friedrich, 30 years old, more than a decade after his original Young Iron debut.

We checked in with enthusiast Jordan Friedrich after more than 10 years have gone by. His old iron interest and collection has grown as he picks up where his grandfather, George Shand, left off.

Q. How many engines do you currently have in your collection?

A. In my collection there are approximately 17 engines. Of those engines, 10 engines are mine (four of which came from a longtime friend of my grandfather’s), six once belonged to my grandfather, and one engine is a friend’s that I am working on.

Q. What’s your favorite engine in your collection?

A. It’s hard for me to pin down a specific favorite engine in the collection. I definitely have more than one. If I had to choose, it would be the engines I got from my grandfather, along with the engines I got from a long-time friend of my grandfather. In addition, my recently acquired Edwards 2-cylinder that has been on the top of my wish list for a long time.

A dark grey gas engine in a workshop

Q. Are you working on any restoration projects?

A. There are a couple of projects that I am currently working on: the Edwards 2-cylinder, the 3hp Fairbanks that belongs to a friend, and my Lister D that has developed into a long-term project. The 3hp Fairbanks is undergoing a full restoration. The Fairbanks requires a bit of minor mechanical work, paint, and needs a cart built. The Lister D needs a mechanical overhaul and paint before it’s done. Finally, the Edwards 2-cylinder project. The agenda for this one consists of going through it to make sure it’s mechanically sound and then getting it running. After that, the jury is out on doing a full-blown restoration. It appears that it may have been previously restored. It should run the way it is, but I would like to find a few parts for this one. I would like to find an original valve cover, an original float bowl, a pair of mufflers, a pair of oilers, and a starting strap (or the dimensions to make one).

A green vertical gas engine in the outdoors.

Q. In general, what are your favorite engines?

A. I would have to say my favorite engines are the larger side shafts. There is a lot of monkey motion to watch when they are running, they also run very smooth.

Q. As a young collector, what are some obstacles you’ve come across in the hobby?

A. Some of the obstacles that I have come across have been the big three: time, money and space. With time being the biggest factor these days. Between work and life, it’s hard to get time out in the garage these days. My goal for 2021 is to make more time for working in the garage.

A red gas engine with a yellow logo

Q. If money weren’t an issue, what is your dream engine to own?

A. I’d love to own a side shaft Mogul. I could listen to one run all day long. Another engine I’d love to own would be a 1hp Root & Vandervoort. I saw one about five years ago at Coolspring Power Museum, but couldn’t do the deal then.

Q. Is this a hobby you share with family or friends?

A. This is a hobby that I’ve always shared with family and friends. It started out with my grandfather, and we’d always either be working on something together or travelling the countryside looking for another project. Through my grandfather, I was able to meet and get to know several of his friends and through that my knowledge base and horizons in the hobby were greatly expanded. Plus, it’s always fun spending time with like-minded individuals. My dad enjoys helping me out and coming to shows with me and exhibiting. He doesn’t own any engines yet, but I’m working on it with him. When I’m not exhibiting at a show, both Mom and Dad enjoy tagging along to take in the show.

A red gas engine on a wooden cart.

Q. What shows do you normally attend each year?

A. The shows I normally attend each year are the Niagara Antique Power Association’s show at Sherkston, Ontario, the first weekend in July; the Tri-County Heritage Club show at Ilderton, Ontario, the second weekend in July; the Georgian Bay Steam, Auto, Gas and Antique Association show at Cookstown, Ontario, the first weekend in August; the Walpole Antique Farm Machinery Association’s show at Jarvis, Ontario, also on the first weekend of August; and the Huron Pioneer Thresher & Hobby Association’s show at Blyth, Ontario, in September to wrap up the show season.

If I’m not exhibiting, I can be found wandering the rows and taking in the various demonstrations. Also, I’ve been to Canandaigua, New York, and Coolspring, Pennsylvania, in the past and would love to go back.

A dark green gas engine in the outdoors

Q. What do you keep an eye out for when searching for items to build your collection?

A. I don’t have an exact method I follow. I don’t collect a specific type or line of engines, so it’s wide open. When I’m looking for something to add to my collection, I generally start by looking for an engine or related items that I don’t currently have. As of right now I don’t have anything Webster magneto-fired, so that may be the next addition. If the engine, parts, or whatever it may be, catches my eye and the price is right, there’s a good chance I’ll end up bringing it home.

Jordan’s collection

A dark green gas engine in the outdoors.
  • A restored 1926 1-1/2hp IHC/McCormick Deering M — spark plug with single needle carb and fork style fuel pump
  • An unrestored, as found, 1929 1-1/2hp IHC/McCormick Deering M — spark plug with single needle carb and button style fuel pump
  • A 1918 Maytag upright
  • A 1949 Maytag Model 72 Twin
  • A restored 1-1/2hp Massey-Harris Type 2
  • A restored 1928 1-1/2hp Stover KE dual tagged with a T. Eaton Co. tag, features disc flywheels and Wico EK magneto
  • A restoration in progress 1-1/2hp Lister D spec. D
  • A mechanically restored 3/4hp Ideal
  • A 3/4hp Ideal
  • A restored 1hp Mogul Jr., circa 1915-1917
  • A vertical 1hp London, circa 1920s
  • An unrestored 1-1/2hp Fuller and Johnson Model NC
  • A 1914 1-1/2hp IHC Famous
  • A rebadged Goold, Shapely & Muir 1-1/2hp JA Fellows, circa 1920s
  • A 1/3 scale model of a 5hp Fuller and Johnson N
  • A 1927 3hp Fairbanks Morse Z – spark plug and Type R mag (Jordan’s working on for a friend)
  • A spark plug fired Edwards twin-cylinder

A moss-green gas engine in the outdoors.

Q. What do you wish you could find?

A. I wish I could find all the other engines my grandfather had owned over the years. Looking back through his old photos and recalling the stories I’ve been told, he had quite a few different and interesting engines.

Q. What advice would you give to others wanting to become an engine collector?

A. There are a few pieces of advice that I would give to others who want to get started in the wonderful and addictive world of engine collecting. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of other collectors or for help. A question asked is better than an injury or broken part. Start out with something common with plenty of available parts. Even better, start with a runner to get familiar with old iron and all the little quirks. Invest in lifting equipment of some kind or have a few friends always close by who can help you. This stuff isn’t light. Better yet, put everything on wheels! Generally, torque specs aren’t available for these engines, snug fasteners up and check them for tightness after you’ve run your engine.

A dark grey gas engine in the outdoors

Q. What has been the most challenging repair you have completed?

A. The most challenging repair was repainting my Massey-Harris Type 2 and saving the hand-painted Massey-Harris logos in the process. I was told by my grandfather’s long-time friend who owned the engine before I did that they were hand-painted on by a sign painter sometime in the ’60s. I had to repaint the engine as the existing paint was beginning to flake off badly. Luckily, Massey-Harris red is still available through Massey-Ferguson dealers and no custom paint matching or mixing was needed. Beyond that, the International M I have that’s fully restored came to me in pieces, so as I got it cleaned up and painted, I had to put it together like a puzzle.

Q. What resources do you use to learn about or add to your collection?

A. I mostly use the internet and fellow collectors and friends of my grandfather who have shared their knowledge with me over the years.

An elderly man in a blue shirt and pants standing next to a gas engine.

My grandfather, George Shand, lived in Port Dover, Ontario, Canada, on the shores of Lake Erie. This picture was taken June 16, 2007, at the show in Mount Brydges, Ontario, Canada. This was the first outing with his Mogul Jr. after an extensive restoration. He knew of this engine for years, and where it sat in the next town over on a scrap pile, missing quite a few parts. I was able to help him find some of the parts needed from vendors and fellow collectors, others he made himself or had them recast by using borrowed originals as patterns. He was a self-taught machinist and made what he needed on his Atlas lathe and drill press in his basement. This little Mogul Jr., along with the vertical London he got from his long-time friend George, were the pride of his collection in the later years. Now, I am the caretaker. This year will mark nine years ago that he left us, and not a day goes by that he doesn’t cross my mind.”

– Jordan Friedrich

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