231 S. Main Street P. O. Box 319 Rawson, Ohio 45881
The Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association held their 18th
annual Antique Show on August 3-6, 1989 at the Hancock County
Fairgrounds in Findlay, Ohio. The feature display included 58
Allis-Chalmers tractors, 7 Rumely tractors, five pieces of
Allis-Chalmers equipment, and twelve Hercules gas engines.
Also exhibited were twelve steam engines of various sizes, 235
other tractors, 568 gas engines, and 68 arts and crafts displays
and a flea market. The show was filled with various activities
including wheat threshing, corn shredding, Baker fans, sawmill,
shingle mill, power eater, model steam and gas display, and
On Thursday the activities included a Backseat Driver Contest
which was enjoyed by those who entered and watched. The camera man
for ‘Toledo Eleven News’ was coaxed into running the course
and had a perfect score. A Junior antique tractor pull followed for
14-year-old and younger exhibitors.
On Friday afternoon a start up race took place in which the
contestants had to start their tractors in the rain.
Later that evening a light class tractor pull took place in
which the tractors showed what they could do. After the pull the
‘Mule Skinner Band’ performed.
On Saturday at 12 o’clock noon a Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull
took place with 74 kids trying their luck on the track. Later in
the afternoon a parade of tractor and steam engines and a slow race
and a belt-up race took place. That evening a tractor square dance
was held with all Allis-Chalmers tractors being used.
On Sunday, the Ambassadors presented a church service. In the
afternoon the heavy class tractor pull took place with a large
We would like you to come to next year’s show August 2-5,
1990. Our feature will be International and McCormick-Deering
tractors, equipment, and gas engines.