By Staff
Published on March 1, 1971
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Courtesy of Donald A. Nagle, 906-15th S.W., Austin, Minnesota 55912.
Courtesy of Donald A. Nagle, 906-15th S.W., Austin, Minnesota 55912.
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Courtesy of Donald A. Nagle, 906-15th S.W., Austin, Minnesota 55912.
Courtesy of Donald A. Nagle, 906-15th S.W., Austin, Minnesota 55912.

Route 4, Morrison, Illinois 61270

When we speak in terms of weather, it will most likely be a long
time before the August and September of 1970 will be forgotten by
the people of the western edge of North Central Illinois. Rainfall
for parts of this section was in excess of 48 inches. September
alone had as high as 18 inches reported and nearly that much
officially. One hundred miles east, west and north it was on the
dry side but it seems as if the weatherman decided this section not
only need ed moisture, but a real good bath also.

Our show grounds for 1970 was located three miles east of
Geneseo, Illinois, which in turn is twenty miles east of Rock
Island, Moline and Davenport. Our show site was no exception to the
general rule, although we were not rained out either day.

Our club, formerly known as Branch No. 3 of the Early Day Gas
Engine and Tractor Association has a membership that holds above
one hundred and thirty. They cover a territory reaching over eighty
miles both north and south of our show site, which in itself is
quite a proposition when it comes to trucking expenses. We have
several very well restored steam engines and oodles of threshing
machines of all sizes. Some of the best in Oil Pulls, a big Reeves
40 gas tractor, two Averys (for sure) and scores of other tractors.
In gasoline engines we feel we own between fifteen hundred and two
thousand. Not too many of the real old ones are there, but enough
to put on a good show any time.

Along with the bragging however, there is another side to the
picture. Our show attendance has not grown in pro portion to our
collections. In this territory, beginning in July we have a Fair or
a Threshing Show every weekend on up to the Mt. Pleasant Show.
Mixed in between or along with the fairs, we have the tractor pulls
and nothing seems to draw a farm crowd like a good tractor pull. In
1970 our show was held on the closing day of a Centennial County
Fair (with a big tractor pull) and the opening day of another. If
we move the date ahead or back it is the same situation from July
15th to September 15th. We are out showed, out faired and out
pulled on the date. Before the last of July means to hold the grain
over winter in a stack. After the first week of September means
that the public has been to a lot of fairs, centennials, sports
tournaments, tractor pulls and threshing shows and whether they can
stand one more is a question.

Our average attendance has run about three thousand and on this
we can put on a good show but not the best. In 1970 we had about
half this big a crowd and all we have to say is that it has been
our best non-profit show to date.

We will have a show for 1971, but just where or when is not sure
as yet. We have no show site of our own and this is a handicap for
any show that wants to grow.

If anyone has any ideas or experiences to share on either an
earlier or later date, its advantages and drawbacks — write to us
and we will appreciate it. Come see us if possible. We do have
problems but one way or another we expect to solve most of

Our club is now known as The Antique Engine and Tractor
Association, Inc. The President is Claire Farnam; Harry McCosh,
Vice-president. Virgil Gerdes, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors
are Lester Roos, Harry Mills and Homer Miller.

We intend to have one or two gas-ups every year beside our show.
Seems like its more fun at a gas-up with twenty engines than a show
with two hundred — especially if you are on the official

Picture shows from 1. to r. a 6 hp. International, mfg. 1924, a
3 hp. International, mfg. 1918 and a 1? hp. McCormick Deering, mfg.

Six engines from l. to r. are: 11/2 hp.
McCormick Deering, 1928; 3 hp. International, mfg. 1918; 6 hp.
International, mfg. 1924; 5 hp. Gallo way, mfg. 1908; in rear a 3
hp. John Deere, mfg. 1930 and a 6 hp. John Deere, mfg. 1932.

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