Napanee Collectors’ and Antique Club Third Annual Heritage Show

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1994
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Mark Robinson on his W-12 in the tractor pull

R.R. #7 Napanee, Ontario, Canada K7R 3L2

The third annual Heritage Show of the Napanee Collectors’
and Antique Club opened with the shrill whistle of an old fashioned
locomotive mounted on rubber, as it prepared to leave the
fairgrounds on the first of its many trips through the streets of
Napanee. As it chugged its way through town, the public was
welcomed at the gates by the local Lion’s Club.

People enjoyed the outside/inside flea market, and a drawing of
prizes donated by local merchants was offered. Inside the curling
rink you were once again greeted by the whistle of a train, only
this time the 20 x 30 display of model trains was a little quieter.
The model train display was only a fraction of what was to come as
you entered the rink. The view was of wall to wall toys, farm
machinery, cars, and trucks some set out on tables, wall units, and
even a restored manure spreader. Also inside the curling rink you
could find displays from the MacPherson House and County Museum,
plus an outside display of blacksmithing from the MacLaughlan
Woodworking Museum.

Saturday afternoon the local Pioneer Square Dancers entertained
inside the curling rink, then everyone gathered outside to watch
the antique tractors show us what they’re made of. There were
53 entries in eight different classes; everyone took home a

At about 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, people gathered under the large
shade trees as Napanee’s mayor auctioned off items donated by
club members and flea market vendors. At around 5:00 p.m. as the
engines lay quiet for the evening and the locomotive cooled down,
we sat down to a German sausage supper.

Sunday started off with a full breakfast. As the vendors set up,
the tractors and engines began to rumble into motion, and the
public strolled through the curling rink and down the wide aisles
of the outside flea market looking for that special bargain. To
those who came to buy or even just look, the curling rink was a
beehive of activity all day long.

The gates closed at 4:00 p.m., amid goodbyes to vendors with a
hardy ‘see you next year,’ and the last of the displays and
exhibits were taken down and everyone headed home.

What a success! Now the 1994 show is being planned for July 23
and 24 at the Napanee Fairgrounds. The area will again be abuzz
with activity inside the curling rink and outside under the trees.
Hope to see everyone out, and don’t forget to extend an
invitation to a friend.

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