President Illiana Antique Power Association, Inc. Box 153
Otterbein, Indiana 47970
‘Unbelievable’ is the word which best describes the
food, displays, weather and hospitality at the 7th Annual show held
at the Benton County Fairgrounds, Boswell, Indiana on August 15, 16
and 17, 1986. Attendees had numerous opportunities to enjoy the
three days. It was the first year for our reorganized group now
known as the Illiana Antique Power Association, Inc., but the same
familiar, friendly faces were working behind the scenes.
A log sawing contest was held for those intent on working that
hard, while others viewed the work done by the Dillman Brothers on
the large sawmill. In addition to the usual large number of
interesting flea market exhibits, a well attended toy show was
held. The hog roast, prepared by club members and their wives, was
quite popular, as were the numerous entertainment groups. As is the
custom, the Carter Dalton awards for best gas engine, tractor,
steam and automobile display were made. The winners were Jerry
Jones, Dennis Fairchild, Dale Robertson, and Joe Geswein. Also
attracting lots of interested viewers was the display trailer owned
by Kenny and Wendy Wolf.
This year’s show dates are August 21, 22, and 23. Certainly
the highlight of the show will be the awarding of the restored 1937
‘A’ John Deere to the winner of the raffle for it. It was
donated by Norbert Cooley and restored by Jerry Kirsch and Bob
Muller. It will be the featured tractor on the show pin and plaque.
Plan to attend and we’ll certainly show you a good time.