The 10th Annual Freeland Valley Antique Power Show held this
past July 27-29 was a winner, with more tractors, more engines,
more flea market vendors and exhibitors, and more people attending
than ever before.
The club hosted the Buckeye Chapter of the Cockshutt Tractor
Club, and 52 Cockshutt and four Co-op tractors were in attendance.
We also featured all makes of engines, and there were over 100
various tractors and over 100 different engines on display.
A 1907 2 HP White-Lilly, one of three known to exist, and a
White-Lilly wooden washing machine, owned by Ed Ruch, Sardis,
We now have a 110 HP Bessemer engine that was donated to our
club by Eastern America Energy Co. Located in West Virginia when we
found it, members of our club traveled there and disassembled the
engine and compressor, loaded it on trucks and took it to our club
location – we looked like a convoy of salvage trucks! The Bessemer
is now setup and operating at our showgrounds, and the
Ingersoll-Rand compressor that came with it will be operating soon.
Mark Gotschall ran the Bessemer during the show, and it was a big
attention getter.
Among the exhibits at the show was a White-Lilly wooden washing
machine, a 1917 hay press, a rifle boring machine and a barrel
stave sander. There were many antique cars and trucks on display,
and members of the American Truck Historical Society, Central Ohio
Chapter, displayed antique wreckers and semi-tractors and
A 1915 7 Hp Bauer Type B exhaust monitor engine, owned by Jim
Nicholson, Cambridge, Ohio. Bauer Manufacturing Co. set up shop in
Kansas City, Mo., around 1894. Engine production stopped in
The kids pedal tractor pull was an overwhelming success, and we
gave away a Cockshutt pedal tractor – donated by local businesses –
each day of the show. We had many other donations by various
businesses, and they play an important part in our show’s
As always, the entertainment on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was
great and attendance was better than ever. Church service on Sunday
was impressive and there was great attendance.
We always have good food provided by the Cumberland Volunteer
Fire Dept., good homemade ice cream by Cumberland Valley 4-H Club,
popcorn, soda and various other goodies by Steak, Ham and Leg of
Lamb 4-H Club, Richhill Community 4-H Club and Chandlersville Guys
and Gals.
The weather was very nice all three days of the show, and there
were a lot of positive comments about our organization and the
participation of members, families and the business community.
We’ve made improvements to the show grounds, including a new
water well, new and updated electrical services, additional storage
facilities and new water storage tanks. Our annual club picnic was
Oct. 21, 2001, and we had good weather and a great turnout of
members, families and friends. This is an event every year where we
can show our appreciation to the communities and businesses that
support our club and show. There are so many people who work hard
and contributed much time to make our shows a success. It would be
hard to single out one person as we all work together and
everything falls in place, even though at times it doesn’t seem
like it will. Of course there are a few who do much more than could
be expected, but this is what it takes to make us a successful
Our 11th annual show will be July 26-28, 2002. We will feature
Farmall and McCormick-Deering tractors. Also featured will be
Bessemer engines. We expect a large turnout next year, and if our
shows keep growing we will run out of room someday! So for some
good times, a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere and friendly people,
load your engines, tractors and whatever else you can bring, and
take the road to our show. We have free primitive camping and
electricity is available for a fee of $10.
Our location is Delmar Warned Field, Ohio State Route 146, 15
miles east of Zanesville, Ohio and Interstate 70, or six miles east
of Chandlersville, Ohio and six miles west of Cumberland, Ohio.
Contact engine enthusiast Ronald E. Swope at: 58790
Claysville Rd., Cambridge, OH 43725, (740) 439-0959