1713 E. Walnut Enid, Oklahoma 73701
The 8th annual show of antique engines, Enid Antique
Power, turned out to be a great day despite what the weathermen
were saying could be a cold damp day. The show was held October 5,
1991, at the Garfield County Fairgrounds. We had a large turnout of
exhibitors and a good showing of spectators for this one day
Several trailer loads of small engines and one large 65 HP
Cooper Bessemer engine brought by Dean and Marlin Unruh of Enid,
Oklahoma participated. New exhibitors this year were Calvin Leeper
of Alva, Oklahoma and Jackie Bryan, a long distance participant
from Perryton, Texas, both bringing small engines. Also this year
we had Dallas Morris of Enid, Oklahoma showing a large array of
antique model steam engines. This show seems to keep growing with
two or three new exhibitors each year. Approximately 20 tractors
were part of the show along with a model 42 International combine
brought by Lloyd Klassen and a 3-14 John Deere plow brought by Rick
and Jim Mayberry behind a 1935 John Deere D, both from Enid,
The local Model T Ford Club was with us again this year. Anyone
wanting to see a beautiful collection of Model T Fords come to the
annual Enid Antique Power Show in October and you will see them.
Those cars really fit in with the show.
At noon the cornbread and beans were served. Sometimes it is
believed to be the most popular part of the day. We have some good
cooks among our group that put on a good feed. Shortly afterward, a
meeting was held along with a drawing for prizes donated by local
dealers and a ring toss for the small fry managed by R. D. Corley.
The prizes were toy John Deere tractors. This year’s ‘King
of Old Iron’ award went to E. J. ‘Goose’ and Hazel
Gosnell of Isabella, Oklahoma. Mr. Gosnell is a calm, easy going
individual who always comes to the shows with rare and interesting
pieces of equipment for this area like side-shaft engines and a
hydraulic washing machine. Next year’s well deserving winner is
in the making.
A first for this year was musical entertainment. How it
happened- whether by blackmail or heavy persuasion-Dallas Morris on
guitar and E. J. ‘Goose’ Gosnell on banjo played several
tunes shortly before shut down time later in the afternoon. These
guys are good.
Once more a good time was had by all. The weathermen were wrong
and everything went off as planned with no major problems. Many
thanks goes out to all participants and spectators alike, for after
all, it takes both to make a show. See you all at the next show on
Saturday, October 3, 1992 (the first Saturday of the month).