Sec.Rt 2, Box 153 Cambridge, IL 6I238
We were very pleased with our second annual show held at the
Robert Ring berg farm south of Wood hull on June 20 and 21,
Our featured tractor was a 1926 row crop Fordson owned by Don
Stromquist of Lynn Center, Illinois. Our featured engine was a
Sandow, owned by Ralph Moore of Viola, Illinois. The tractor and
engine were featured on our plaque and button respectively.
The first day started off a bit windy, but with all the
enthusiasm things got to moving quickly.
We had about 60 engines of various sizes. There were about 95
tractors, all sizes and colors. There was something for everyone.
There were even llamas to look at and pet., There was a very nice
display of toys, all set up on hayracks. We had a broom-maker busy
all weekend showing us his craft. Lots of flea markets also.
We had our parade at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday with a kiddie tractor
pull at 2:00. The kids had lots of fun and got lots of prizes.
The belt driven cornsheller drew a crowd, especially when the
big Case steam engine hooked up to it. Many different tractors took
a turn on the fan also. At the same time out in the field there
were plowing matches going on.
In the afternoon we had games for the ‘older kids’.
There was a water pitcher race, that cooled everyone off, and the
slow race, plus the coverall race. These games are always a big
In the evening, when folks were ready to settle down, we had
fine entertainment by the High Society band from Bishop Hill,
On Sunday we started off with mist but by parade-time we had
sunshine. We had a feature on Sunday that everyone seemed to enjoy.
This was our first year for an antique tractor pull. Many of our
members entered and did very well. We are planning to have a pull
again this year. We are planning on having the lighter classes on
Saturday and the heavier classes on Sunday.
We want to thank everyone for helping to make our second show a
big success and hope you will come again this year. We will be at
the Robert Ringberg farm again. The date of our show is June 18-19,
1988. Hope to see you there!