COOLSPRING June 17, 2000

By Staff
Published on October 1, 2000
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242 Dupont Street Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15902

Coolspring Power Museum, seven miles north of Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania, along Route 36, endured scattered showers for the
spring show.

The museum maintains several barns and pavilions of permanent
displays and engines on loan. Display engines range in size from
single cylinder hit and miss up to their latest working specimen,
the 1913 four-cylinder 300 HP Miller.

A large field for exhibitors and merchants is available for show
and tell, buying and selling.

We are going to walk you (hypothetically speaking) through the
field area, and save the museum displays for later. Let’s stop
at a food stand first and get a lemonade and some curly fries.
Bring along your gas engine encyclopedia, and let’s go for a
stroll. These are some, but not all, of the old iron brought out
today by the hobbyist and merchants:

1? Alpha, ?HP A. Seybert and Bros., 5 HP Richmond Standard, 1?
HP Emerson-Brantingham, ? HP Dempster and Comstock, (1) Munchrer
Motorenfabrik, 1? HP Sta-Rite, 2 HP Waterloo, 5 HP Bovaird and
Seyfang, 4 HP Domestic, 1 HP Mogul Jr., 3? HP C. H. & E. Mfg.
Co., 1? HP Eclipse Jr., 6 HP Economy, 4 HP Galloway, Assorted
Hercules engines, 8 HP Witte, ?HP Bull’s Eye sideshaft, Maytag
twins and singles, 3 HP Fuller and Johnson, ?HP Woodpecker, ?HP
Sandwich, 3 HP Cushman Cub, 30 HP Foos, 1? HP United, 4 HP
International Famous, 1? HP Stover, Johnson Iron Horse, 2 HP Witte,
1? HP Empire, 5 HP Mogul, ?HP Rumsey.

And as we continue, 2? HP Empire, 1? HP Domestic, 1? HP Stover,
two Kewanee pump rigs, 1? -6 HP Edwards, 2? HP Galloway,
International LB’s, 3 HP Famous, 4 HP upright Stover, ?HP
Stover upright, 1? HP Alpha, many early small air cooled uprights,
?HP air cooled Associated, 1? HP Rawleigh, 4 HP Mogul, 1? HP
McCormick-Deering, ?HP J. Warunger Mfg. Co., Stover twin power
unit, 12 HP Witte, 2 HP Famous, 3 HP Ideal, ?HP John Swan Co., 3 HP
Gade, ? HP Standard, 3? HP Bates and Edmonds.

Now we’re passing a 1? HP Novo, 1 and 2 HP Reeves, 3 HP
Brownwall, two L. Benz and Spol (from the Netherlands), 2 HP
Jaeger, 2 HP Fairbanks-Morse, 1? HP Hercules, 6 HP Stover, 3 HP
Fuller & Johnson, 6 HP air cooled Eclipse, ?HP DeLaval Lauson
with Wico ‘C mag, 6 HP Cushman, 1? HP Gilson, ?HP Bernard
Diesel (France), 2? HP Gallway, 3 HP Stickney, 2 HP Bessemer, ?HP
Gray, ?HP Perkins upright, ?HP Lorenze (Slovakia), 1? HP Gade, 3 HP
Ward, 2? HP Jacobson, 1? HP Acme, 6 HP Schramm, 1? Massey Harris,
1? Messinger.

Next comes a ? HP Duro, 3? HP United, 4 HP Atlas King Bee, 15 HP
Domestic, 16 HP Galloway, ?HP Elgin, 6 HP Sandwich, ?HP 1883 Crown
pumping engine, ?HP Sylvester, 1? HP Eclipse Junior, ?HP Sattley,
Page Electro-Magnetic engine, ?HP Lansing, 4 HP Eclipse, ?HP Planet
Junior, 5 HP Ward, 3 HP Leader, 1? HP Tayoga, 1? HP New Holland, 12
HP Quincy, 8 HP Bessemer, 5 HP Friend, 12 HP Reid, 6 HP Casey
Jones, 4 HP Eclipse, 1? HP Todd engine, and various models by

Also present on the grounds were the following merchants: Lee W.
Pedersen, Mark’s Magneto Service, Burns and Homer Engine Co.
(model engine kits), Maytag Collectors Club, Breisch-Peters Models
(model engine kits), Canopies by Ed, Simpson Motors, and your usual
collection of independent businessmen.

The merchants offered books, new and used parts, helpful advice,
and onsite repairs. The modelmakers/dealers were good with
machinist advice. The independents offered sunglasses, magnetos,
tools and fasteners, tool handles, water pump repair parts,
restorable engines, odds and ends, and antiques.

Coolspring offers its own gift shop, selling T-shirts, videos,
booklets, cookies, engine memorabilia, etc.; all proceeds maintain
the museum.

The next show is October 20-21, 2000. Hope you can make it.

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