Antique Mechanical Fair Big Success

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1993

Cumberland County Museum, 150 Church Street, Amhurst, Nova
Scotia, B4H 3C3

As usual our Antique Mechanical Fair was a big success. Over
forty participants brought antique cars and engines to the fair.
Winners this year were: Wayne and Judith Newson of Prince Edward
Island, Best Gas Engine; Fred and Jennie Embree (1930 Dodge), Best
Automobile; Ronald Allan, Best Steam Engine; John Eaton, Best
Flat-belt Machinery, and; Wendall Lemon received the Lockwood Award
for Fine Workmanship for his model steam engine. Hero of the day
was new board member Doris Harkness, who did an excellent job of
coordinating lunch and dinner for participants. She certainly
whipped us all into shape! Thanks also to Bill Fairbanks, Carol
Corney, Vicki Randall, Gladys Mazerall, Kim Gorveatt, Stephen Boss,
Adri Boodoosingh and George Dempsey for their assistance leading up
to and on the day of the fair. Attendance was 250.

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