5731 Paradise Road, Slatington, Pennsylvania 18080-4028
These are photos from our Club Show and events in 1999. Our
annual show was held June 5 & 6 at the Kempton, Pennsylvania,
(Berks County), Community Center. It was the 14th annual event for
our club and featured Fuller-Johnson engines and equipment.
There were 110 full size engines and belt driven equipment, plus
40 models on display, and the antique tractor pull had 112 hookups.
Fifty-five flea market spaces were rented, and the children had
pedal-pull events, plus Kett Kar pedal activities.
This year’s show will be held June 10 and 11 at the Kempton
Community Center and will feature John Deere tractors, equipment
and toys.
For more information contact the club, Antique Engine, Tractor
and Toy Club Inc., at 5731 Paradise Road, Slatington, Pennsylvania
18080-4028. The phone is 610-767-4768.
Club members have been busy doing club exhibits at a shopping
mall, the Kutztown and West End Fairs, plus participating very
actively at the Kutztown German Festival in Berks County.
Membership has averaged 500 for the past several years, a big
increase over the 18 people who gathered to talk about organizing
this club back in November of 1985!