225 HP Bates Corliss steam engine, donated to Antique Acres by
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grady of Waterloo, Iowa. This engine will be
set-up and running by show time. Engine was used in the Herrick
Refrigerator Company in Waterloo, Iowa. Courtesy of Rich Platte,
Denver, Iowa.
Antique Acres Inc., located 4? miles north of Cedar Falls, Iowa,
is ready to kick off their 14th year.
The 1977 show offered a variety of new items and a larger flea
market The overall appearance of the Old Time Power Show was very
good, unfortunately the rainy weather dampened the crowd.
Plans have already been made to make the 1978 show a big
success. The Old Time Power Show is set for August 24-27.
Members of the club have been hard at work preparing the show
grounds and giving some of the equipment a spring overhauling. The
oats crop was seeded by Farm Manager, John Sundermeyer, with the
help of Andrew Fischels and Clifford Johnston. There will be plenty
of oats for threshing during the show days!
A shelter over the French Railroad Car was completed last fall.
This boxcar, owned by the 40 & 8 Club of Waterloo, Iowa, is one
of the 48 which France presented to each state after World War I.
It is one of the few remaining.
A new addition to Antique Acres this year is a 225 HP Bates
Corliss engine, used to provide power in the Herrick Refrigerator
Company of Waterloo, Iowa. This engine was donated to the club by
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grady, operators of the Grady Dairy Farm. Many
of the stockholders are hard at work cleaning and restoring the
engine. During the summer, a base for the engine was built and it
is planned to be in operation for the show. A Cleaver-Brooks oil
fired boiler was installed, making it possible to operate both the
Bates Corliss and the Murry Corliss, obtained in 1975. The boiler
was formerly used in the Creamery at Denver, Iowa. After the show,
work will begin on extending the present museum building to house
both the Bates Corliss engine and the boiler.
Antique Acres is quite well known for the many tractor pulls
they sponsor throughout the summer. This year, four pulls were
planned. The first one was June 25. Tractor pulls were also set for
July 16 and the eve of August 25 and 26 during the Old Time Power
Show. Not only do farm tractors and hot rods pull, but also antique
tractors and steam engines as well!
The grounds and museum at Antique Acres is open everyday from
May 1 to October 1. Camping facilities are available during this
time and especially during the show. The souvenir booth, also open
during this time, has the largest selection of gas engines, steam
engines, and old tractor manuals. It also has many cast iron toys
and watch fobs.
Antique Acres is looking forward to a great show this year. So
make plans to attend the Old Time Power Show.