10067 Grove Road Bluff ton, Ohio 45817
The 1987 Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Assn. Show was held
July 30, 31, August 1 and 2 at Hancock County Fairgrounds in
Findlay, Ohio.
We had 320 gas tractors, 10 steam engines, and 500 gas engines.
There were 20 different manufacturers of gas tractors coming from
three states.
The featured tractor this year was John Deere in honor of the
150th anniversary of the John Deere Plow. We had 195 John Deere
tractors on display as well as 35 pieces of John Deere farm
machinery. We had a Green and Yellow Hospitality tent filled with
chairs and benches for relaxation as well as many items of John
Deere memorabilia on display. Paul Reichenbach was chairman of the
John Deere display.
Activities for the event included corn shredding, wheat
threshing, baling, log sawing, shingle cutting, Baker Fan, seven
weight classes of antique tractor pulls, a slow race, belt up race,
start up race and tractor square dance. There was a parade on
Saturday of all tractors and some machinery.
One unique event was an ‘H’ John Deere balanced on three
Coca-Cola bottles while the tractor was running.
Entertainment for the weekend included Lima Bean Barbershop
Chorus, Woodside Ramblers, Ralph Kieffer on the organ and the
Gospel Crusaders from Berne, Indiana.
Other displays for the weekend were toy tractors and machinery
and miniature steam engines. There was also a flea market and arts
and craft display.
The 1988 show will be held July 28-31 at Hancock County
Fairgrounds, Findlay, Ohio. The feature tractor this year will be
Wallis and Massey Harris. Gene Schmidt, Bluffton, Ohio will be
Officers for the coming year are president, Wayne Smith,
Arlington; vice-president, Rich Williams, Mount Cory; secretary,
Faye Hetzel, Sycamore; treasurer, Gary Nau, Findlay.
The board of trustees includes Keith Hamilton, Rawson; Faye
Hetzel, Sycamore; Darrell Howell, Mount Cory; Berdell Huber,
Bluffton; Wayne Smith, Arlington; Sue Howell, Rawson; Chris
Joanson, McClure; Bill Steinman, Findlay; Steve Fischbach, Rawson;
Gary Benner, Findlay; Gary Nau, Findlay; Dewey Hetzel, Sycamore;
Rich Williams, Mount Cory; Tom Higbie, Jenera; Randy Williams,
Mount Cory; Paul Reichenbach, Bluffton; and Jim LaRue,