Hobby Heavyweights: John Wilcox

By Staff
Published on September 17, 2010
article image
Photo courtesy of Dave Hawkins
John Wilcox standing next to the 175 HP Otto he rescued and relocated to the Coolspring Power Museum, Coolspring, Pa.

On Sept. 1, 2010, the gas engine community lost one of its kindest and most knowledgable men in the passing of John Wilcox. 

John’s name was a familiar sight in the pages of Gas Engine Magazine, either through his own photo and article submissions, in articles regarding Coolspring Power Museum, of which he was a co-founder, or simply as a “thank you” from a fellow collector he helped along the way. It would take us a long time to compile every GEM reference to John throughout the years but here’s a small sampling of his contribution to this magazine and the hobby as a whole:

The Reid Model A Gas Engine

6 HP Columbus Gas Engine

The Callahan Camstopper Gas Engine

• The Hornsby-Akroyd Vaporizing Oil Engine 

And finally, a list of links to all articles submitted by or including mention of John Wilcox .

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