When we had an inquiry about the Worthington tractor mower, we
discovered a fair amount of company background, which we published
in the September 1999, issue of GEM.
Our article prompted James B. Ricci to send us information on
the Worthington Register, ‘a non-profit organization
formed to promote active interest in the history, preservation, and
restoration of equipment by the Worthington Mower Company,
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.’
Worthington tractors which are the focus of the club’s
interest are models T, A, B, C, G, and F, along with related mowing
equipment. The models G and F were designed and manufactured after
Jacobson Manufacturing Company purchased the company after the
founder’s death in 1944. Jacobson continued the Worthington
name for some time.
‘The basis of the Worthington Register is to
identify remaining Worthington tractors and equipment and encourage
the fun of restoring and driving these unique and historically
significant machines. The Worthington News is published
three times per year providing a voice for historical and technical
information as well as means of exchange between members. An annual
meeting of members and equipment is scheduled at Northeast regional
antique gas engine and tractor shows for all to meet, display their
equipment, and share information.’
If you would like to join the club, write to The Worthington
Register, Gary Mower, 362 Sir Walter Drive, Cheshire,
Connecticut 06410. Mower is apparently the head of the club, and he
can also be reached via internet at:
Mr. Ricci adds, ‘Just in case you might be interested, for
the past six plus years, I have been working on a book project
about the reel lawn mower as manufactured in the United States of
America. The reel lawn mower was patented in England in 1830 and
first produced here about 1856. To date about 150 companies in the
USA have been identified. The horse-drawn reel lawn mower was
patented in Scotland in 1842 with the first motor mowers (both
gasoline and steam) being made in the very early 1890s.
‘I do have related questions. Does a Toro Golf Tractor Club
exist? I hope your readers have an answer to that one.’
Another response to our Worthington article came from C. J.
Persigo of 600 Stratford Drive, Harahan, LA 70123. He sent along a
copy of an article that appeared in the May/June 1987 issue of
Model A News Magazine.
The article, written by Peter Noyes of Mertztown, Pennyslvania,
goes into more detail regarding the specific Ford parts used in the
Worthington tractors. Anyone seeking this article should try
contacting Model A News at 24822 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, MI
48124. Phone 313-278-1455.