U. P. Steam and Gas Engine Association 23rd Annual Show

By Staff
Published on February 1, 1999
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Winners of Pedal Tractor Races sponsored by Ison Equipment: left to right, 2nd, Molly Williams (who also won the Big Wheel) of Bark River; 3rd, Haley Lindholm of Escanaba; and 1st, Zack Shaver, of Menominee.

3918 K. Road, Bark River, Michigan 49807

Kids had a fun-filled day on Saturday, September 5, during the
23rd annual U. P. Steam and Gas Engine Association Labor Day Show.
Pony rides by Stoney Acres were available all day, as well as a
petting zoo provided by Barb Roberts.

The afternoon featured pedal tractor races for children 4-6
years of age sponsored by Ison Equipment. Ison Equipment donated a
tractor to be given away. The winner was Samantha Kallman of
Escanaba. All children who participated received a John Deere toy
tractor, also donated by Ison Equipment.

Following this were the Big Wheel races for children 7-9 years
old, sponsored by Wal-Mart. Winners were Ethan Shaver, Menominee,
first prize; Kyle Williams, Bark River, second; and Joseph Bickler,
Negaunee, third. All children participating in the Big Wheel races
won prizes donated by Dominos Pizza, Hardees, Burger King,
Wendys,’ Family Fun Park, and Lincoln Video.

A drawing held following the Big Wheel races determined the
winners of the two Big Wheel bikes donated by Wal-Mart of Escanaba.
Winners were Ethan Shaver and Molly Williams.

Bring the whole family for a wonderful time at our 24th show to
be held Labor Day weekend, September 4, 5, & 6, at U.P. State
Fairgrounds in Escanaba, Michigan.

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