The Mocksville Threshing Reunion & Engine Show

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1972
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Courtesy of Gene L. McLaughlin, Route 1, Box 402B, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.
Courtesy of Gene L. McLaughlin, Route 1, Box 402B, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.
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Courtesy of Gene L. McLaughlin, Route 1, Box 402B, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.
Courtesy of Gene L. McLaughlin, Route 1, Box 402B, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.
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Courtesy of Gene L. Mc Laughlin, Route 1, Box 402B, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.
Courtesy of Gene L. Mc Laughlin, Route 1, Box 402B, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.

Mocksville, North Carolina 27028

The 16th annual Mocksville threshing reunion & engine show
was held on July 4, 1972 on the farm of Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Lyerly, which is 2 miles Southwest of Mocksville on the Greenhill

The large crowd represented several states and included an
antique car club which brought 10 nicely restored antique autos.
The oldest, about a 1916 Model ‘T’ Ford and the newest,
about a 1936 Buick. The cars were all immaculate.

Some nice looking tractors at the Mocksville Threshing Reunion.
Bob Powell’s tractor trailer in the background, on top

There were 19 antique gas engines on display & most were
nicely restored and running. These were placed under the shade
trees so the ‘Engineers’ could ‘cool it’, while
attending them. The engines on display were brought in by Bill
Grimly of Durham, N. C, Bobby Cartner of Woodleaf, N. C, Robert
Hammer of Conover, N. C, Robert Varner, of Ashboro, N. C. and Gene
L. McLaughlin of Mocksville, N. C.

There were 9 kerosene and gasoline tractors on display. Bobby
Cartner had a single cylinder Gibson tractor on display and Earl
Seamon and an associate of his had a very nicely restored English
Fordson which was running throughout most of the day.

Other exhibitors had on display 2 Fordsons, an 18-28 Hart-Parr,
an 18-32 ‘K’ model Case, a WD-40 McCormick-Deering tractor,
(Diesel) a 22-36 Mc-Cormick-Deering tractor, and a 10-20 McCormick
Deering tractor. All the tractors were original.

The threshing was carried out by means of Robert Lyerly’s 16
h. p. Frick steam traction engine belted to Archie Cline’s 28 x
47 Frick threshing machine. Mr. Bob Powell of Mocksville used his
big Mac tractor and trailer to haul in (1 load) 3 acres of wheat
for this event. This was really a big help to us all.

A good supply of logs were stockpiled beforehand at the sawmill
and Robert Lyerly’s 22 h. p. Keck-Gonner man was busy pulling
the sawmill all day with numerous sawyers taking their turn at the
‘saw-lever’. They turned out a good day’s sawing.

A Case 40 h.p. traction engine, also belonging to Mr. Lyerly was
used on a shingle mill which saw extensive use during the day. Mr.
Lyerly also had on display a well restored Kitten steam traction
engine, a very nice Case 22-36 thresher, a large Meadows grist mill
and a Baker fan (which makes any of engines chug pretty hard.) Mr.
Lyerly also had on display a John Deere grain binder and a
McCormick-Deering grain binder besides numerous horse drawn farm
implements. He still uses the grain binders in preparing bundled

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers of Antique Acres, S. C. brought a
solid tire Model ‘T’ bus and gave free rides. They also had
a fine display of miniature engines.

For the successful conclusion (until next July 4th) of the 16th
Annual Mocksville Threshing Reunion & Engine Show, we are
indebted to a lot of fine people, who while not having an antique
to display, nevertheless worked very hard both in preparation for
and during the show to keep the activities going. Some of those are
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Broadway, Mr. and Mrs. William Broadway, Mr.
and Mrs. John Richard Broadway, Sonny Kerfees, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
West and Johnny Rumage.

Some of the kerosene tractors at the Mocksville Threshing
Reunion and Engine Show, July 4, 1972. From left to right: WD-40
McCormick-Deering, K-18-32 Cross Motor Case, 22-36 McCormick
Deering, 18-28 Hart Parr, Fordson, old U. S. made.

Bob Powell’s Mack Tractor-trailer unloading wheat bundles
onto thresher feeder-16 HP Frick traction engine and Case thresher
in background. This is at the Mocksville Threshing Reunion in

Most of the engines, machinery, etc. will remain on Mr.
Lyerly’s farm awaiting next years show. Refreshments and and
food will again be sold on the grounds and the public is cordially
invited to attend.

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