ADVANCE-RUMELY Rumely Collector’s News 12109 Mennonite Church Road Tremont, IL 61568 309-925-3925Rumely Product Collectors 12433 US 6 Geneseo, IL 61254 309-944-3156 ALLIS-CHALMERS Old Allis News magazine 10925 Love Road Bellevue, MI 49021-9250 616-763-9770 The Allis Connection magazine 8480 225th Ave. Maquoketa, IA 52060 Upper Midwest A-C Club and newsletter 22241 200th St. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Fax: 320-587-6923 B.F. AVERY B. F. Avery Collectors & Associ- ates, representing B. F. Avery- Wards-General-M-M Avery RR 1, Box 68 1373 E.100 N. Paxton, IL 60957 J. I. CASE J. I. Case Collectors Assn. Old Abe’s News magazine 400 Carriage Drive Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-3896 E-mail: Case Heritage Foundation Heritage Eagle magazine P.O. Box 081156 Racine, WI 53408-1156 414-554-5205 CATERPILLAR Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club 10816 Monitor-McKee Road NE Woodburn, OR 97071 503-634-2474 (M-F, 8-5 PST) Fax: 503-634-2454 COCKSHUTT International Cockshutt Club and Cockshutt Quarterly magazine R2 Wyoming, Ontario N0N 1 T0 519-899-2566 CUSTOM Custom Club International News 3516 Hamburg Rd. Eldorado, OH 45321 937-273-5692 DAVID BRADLEY David Bradley Newsletter Rt. 1 Box 280 Hedgesville, WV 25427 304-274-1725 DAVID BROWN David Brown Tractor Club Champany Hill Farm Silkstone Common Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 4PW United Kingdom EMPIRE Empire Tractor Owners Newsletter 5862 State Route 90 N Cayuga, NY 13034 315-253-8151 Fax: 315-252-2108 e-mail: www.her- FERGUSON The Ferguson Club and Journal Sutton House, Sutton, Tenbury Wells Worcestershire WR15 8RJ United Kingdom (0584) 810424 | FORD Ford/Fordson Collectors Assoc. 645 Loveland-Miamiville Rd. Loveland, OH 45140 513-683-4935, Fax: 513-683- 1210 E-mail: 9N-2N-8N-NAA Newsletter P.O. Box 275 Corinth, VT 05040 GIBSON Gibson Tractor Club and ADEHI News 4200 Winwood Court Floyds Knob, IN 47119-9225 812-923-5822 GRAHAM BRADLEY The Graham Bradley Newsletter 3614 13th Ave. Kearney, NE 68847 HART-PARR/OLIVER Hart-Parr Oliver Collector Assn. The Hart-Parr/Oliver Collector magazine P. 0. Box 685 Charles City, IA 50616 515-228-5406 Fax:515-228-5131 Web: INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER IH Collectors Assn. 310 Busse Hwy, Suite 250 Park Ridge, IL 60068-3251 847-823-3612 Fax: 847-683-0207 e-mail: Red Power Magazine Box 277 Battle Creek, IA 51006 712-365-4873 (evenings) 712-365-4669 (days) The Scout and International Truck Assn. 4683 W. 100 South New Palestine, IN 46163 317-861-5364 KECK-GONNERMAN Keck-Gonnerman Antique Machinery 1609 Farmersville Rd. Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-3679 JOHN DEERE The Green Magazine The Swap Meet 2652 Davey Road Bee, NE 68314 402-643-6269 e-mail: Two Cylinder Magazine P.O. Box 10 Grundy Center, IA 50638-0010 LANZ Lanz Owners Registry Willow Corner, Main Street Marston Grantham Lincolnshire NG32 HH United Kingdom Der Pioneer Lanz-Bulldog-Club-Holstein An der Bundesstrasse 22 25358 Horst-Hahnenkamp Germany MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON Massey Collector’s News & Wild Harvest Magazine Box 529 Denver, IA 50622 319-352-5524 (evenings) 319-984-5292 (days) MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE The Minneapolis-Moline Collec- tors 409 Sheridan Drive Eldridge, IA 52748 319-285-9407 M-M Correspondence magazine 3693 M Avenue Vail, IA 51465 712-677-2433 The Prairie Gold Rush magazine RR 1 Box 119 Francesville, IN 47946 219-567-2604 | RUSSELL The National Russell Collectors Assn. 561 29th St. N.W. Massillon, OH 44647 330-833-6493SHEPPARD Sheppard Club 6775 N. Etna Rd. Columbia, IN 46752 SILVER KING Silver Kings of Yesteryear Trac- tor Club The Sky Writer newsletter 4520 Bullhead Road Willard, OH 44890 419-935-5482 COLLECTORS Cast Iron Seat Collectors Assn. R 2, Box 38 Le Center, MN 56057-9610 507-357-6142 Fax: 507-357-6378 Corn Item Collectors Assn. The Band Board Newsletter 613 North Long St. Shelbyville, IL 62565 217-774-5002 Cream Separator & Dairy News- letter W20772 State Road 95 Arcadia, WI 54612 Rural Heritage Magazine 281 Dean Ridge Lane Gainesboro, TN 38562-5039 931-268-0655 e-mail: editor® ruralheri- Web: Missouri Valley Wrench Club & Newsletter 403 Polk Baxter, IA 50028-1019 515-227-3193 Mid-West Tool Collectors Assn. The Gristmill magazine Rt. 2 Box 152 Wartrace, TN 37183 615-455-1935 Fax: 615-455-0029 e-mail: Web: www.MWTCA.ORG Farm Machinery Advertising Collectors Assn. FMAC Newsletter 10108 Tamarack Dr. Vienna, VA 22182 703-938-8606 e-mail: schnaken- The National Assn. Of Milk Bottle Collectors The Milk Route newsletter 4 Ox Bow Rd. Westport, CT 06880-2602 203-227-5244 Fax: 203-227-2206 Spark Plug Collectors The Ignitor magazine 3401 N.E. Riverside Pendleton, OR 97801-3431 541-276-4069 Fax:541-278-6169 Windmillers Gazette P. O. Box 507 Rio Vista, TX 76093 The Happy Pig Collector Club P.O. Box 17 Oneida, IL 61467 England Seat Collectors Harrowdene Paddok Felmershan, Bedford England MK43-7HL American Truck Historical Society Wheels of Time magazine Larry Scheef P.O. Box 531168 Birmingham, AL 35253-1168 205-870-0564 ENGINES Briggs-Stratton Club Box 465 Conover, OH 45317 Maytag Collectors Club 960 Reynolds Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 209-599-5933 | CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Historic Construction Equip- ment Assn. Equipment Echos magazine P.O. Box 328 Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-4232 Fax:419-832-4034STEAM TRACTION ENGINES Iron Men Album 41 N. Charlotte St. P.O. Box 328 Lancaster, PA 17608 717-392-0733 Fax:717-392-1341 e-mail: Web: Live Steam magazine 2779 Aero Park Dr. Traverse City, Ml 49686 Frick Engine Club P.O. Box 220-9161, NC Hwy #22 Climax, NC 27233 336-685-4253 GARDEN TRACTORS Vintage Garden Tractor Club of America 1804 Hall Street Red Granite, WI 54970 Shaw Du-AII Registry 22 Nesenkeag Dr. Litchfield, NH 03051 Gravelys Forever 7092 Hunters Ridge Drive Plainfield, IN 46168 317-839-6869 Panzer Tractor Owners Club P.O. Box 2601 Manassas, VA 20108 ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULLING Nat’l Antique Tractor Pullers Assn. 5070 Weaver Rd. Germantown, OH 45327 937-855-4326 Web: www.natpa@epperson- The Hook magazine Box 16 Marshfield, MO 65706 417-468-7000 Fax:417-859-6075 e-mail: the hook- Web: GENERAL TRACTOR MAGAZINES Antique Power Magazine Box 500 Missouri City, TX 77459 800-310-7047 e-mail: antique @ antique- Web: The Belt Pulley magazine 20114 IL Rt. 16 Nokomis, IL 62075 217-563-2612 Fax:217-563-2111 e-mail: Engineers and Engines Maga- zine 2240 Oak Leaf Street P.O. Box 2757 Joliet, IL 60434-2757 815-741-2240 Gas Engine Magazine 41 N. Charlotte St. P.O. Box 328 Lancaster, PA 17608-0328 717-392-0733 Fax:717-392-1341 e-mail: Web: Polk’s Magazine 72435 SR 15 New Paris, IN 46553 219-831-3555 e-mail: Rusty Iron Monthly Box 342 Sandwich, IL 60548 815-496-9267 (evenings) Fax:630-553-2154 e-mail: Steam and Gas Show Directory 41 N. Charlotte St. P.O. Box 328 Lancaster, PA 17608-0328 717-392-0733 Fax:717-392-1341 |