Rt. 1 Box 305A Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
It was a clear, warm Saturday afternoon on October 27, 1973,
when members of the Texas Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor
Association, Branch number 8 of the E.D.G.E.T.A. met in my back
yard in Fredericksburg, Texas.
We cranked engines, ran steam engines, pumped water, ran a
‘Krueger Fan’, visited and took pictures.
There were seven gasoline engines, a unique air compressor, two
small stationary steam engines, a gasoline engine pump jack, an old
garden tractor, a model A John Deere, a Cletrac tractor, a toy
steam engine with a generator, and Ted Krueger’s fan.
During the afternoon my wife, Jane, and Doris Pressler took the
ladies on a tour of the historical sites of Fredericksburg. Eleven
members and their guests were present along with a number of
children. Elwood Ware presented each family with a sack of stone
ground corn meal.
They are from left to right standing, Ted Krueger, San Antonio;
Duncan Seawright, Meridian, Sec.-Treas.; Bradley and Reagean Ware,
Killeen; Louis Miller, Georgetown, Wilbur Pressler, Fredericksubr;
Mr. Harrell, San Antonio; Elwood Ware, Killeen; Bill Dittemore,
Fredericksburg; Jimmie and Murl Sylvester, Meridian. Kneeling next
to engine, Dale Munday, President, Temple; E. E. Huber, Houston;
and Hal Hoch, Leon Springs. Last but not least, Bill
Dittemore’s 5 HP Fuller and Johnson Type N Engine.
Late in the afternoon we loaded up the engines brought by
members and held a business meeting at a local restaurant. During
the business meeting, the last weekend in July 1974 was chosen for
the annual meeting and show at Duncan Seawright’s Farm at
Meridian, Texas. The next quarterly meeting will be held at Hal
Hoch’s home at Leon Springs north of Sand Antonio the last
weekend in March, 1974.
Officers for 1974 were nominated and will be elected by mail
ballot. They were President, Bill Dittemore; Vice-President, Hal
Hock; and Secretary-Treasurer, Wilbur Pressler.
Thirty-three people enjoyed the evening meal and afterwards Hal
Hock showed slides of the 1973 show at Meridian, Texas.
A stationary steam engine owned by Hal Hoch of Leon Springs.
From left, Mr. Harrell, Hal Hoch, Ted Krueger with polka dot cap,
and John Goar. This was at Bill Dittemore’s house on October
27, 1973 in Fredericksburg, Texas.
This is a 1917 Tital tractor 10-20, Serial Number TV10709. I
purchased this tractor 2 years ago. It was parked outside for ten
years. I worked all summer the year of 1972 to get it in shape. I
have to make fenders yet to complete it.