Call for Opinions on the Differences Between Rating Steam and Gas Engines

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1966
article image
Photo courtesy of George D. Winter,Pipestone, Minnesota.

What are the differences of rating steam and gas engines?

Let us join hands and make the world realize that it is worthwhile to use a gas engine to pull their 32-54 or 28-50 with a shredder, but the
16-40 hp steam would not do it; so I would like to know the
difference of rating steam and gas engines. We have had a lot
of arguments going on here with the chaps that the rating was not
right, so we would like to settle this, not that any of us will be
in the market for one, at least till spring as it is 4 degrees below just
now and snow all over the place, but this is the time of year to
have our issue of the stuff. If you can answer Fred, please do
write him as he would so enjoy hearing from you folks he’s been
in the Hospital for many years and looks forward to your letters.
It was nice to hear from you Fred.

Donald E. Robbins of R. R. l, Troy, Ohio writes us, “I
wondered if some of the Album or Gas Engine readers would know how
many Rumely Oil Pull Tractors of each type were made and during
what years each model was made. Serial No.2300 or 2305 is the
highest T have ever seen on a Type X 25-40 Oil Pull which I suspect
was about a 1928 Model. I figure that there ought to be some
fellows around who had worked for Advance-Rumely that may know how
many Oil-Pull tractors were made and during what years. I’ve
often questioned if they started out each type with Serial No. 1
for that particular type?”

You’ll notice in this issue a column entitled “Troubleshooting The Gas Engine” by Stan Read — now many of
you fellows can write him your questions and he will answer them
through the column — however, when you write me and put these
questions in your letters I use them in the column in the hopes
someone will answer you.

It’s time for me to sign off and I’ve enjoyed chatting
with you — hope I’ve been of some service or interest. Keep
your “longies” on awhile yet — it’s not quite spring,
but it’s getting closer and enjoy everyday –remember there are no
BAD days, there are just different kind of GOOD days! I love them

This is a picture of my brother Fred in 1918 harvesting with a 8
foot Deering horse binder and a 10-20 I.H.C. Titan tractor. The
I.H.C. Co. made a tractor hitch for horse binders, A short stub pole
had two levers on it that attached to levers on binder levers. It
could tilt binder and adjust reel from tractor seat. It also had a
power attachment to dump the bundle carrier which was operated with
a rope from tractor seat. Speed of the tractor was 1-3/4 miles per hour
on low, 2-1/2 on high. This doesn’t seem very fast now but it
was a big improvement over horses — no stopping for hot weather.

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