Answering reader questions about Port Huron tractors.
On page 31 of the January/February issue of the Gas Engine Magazine,
Mr. Lewis H. Cline of Battle Creek, Michigan asks if anyone knows
about the Port Huron tractors. I have a copy of the Chilton
Tractor Index and this book was issued July 1919 and I found the
following specification on the Port Huron Tractor for 1919. This
tractor was made by the Port Huron Engine and Thresher Co. of Port
Huron, Michigan. Now these specifications are for 1919 model as
follows: Tractor on Members — four wheels; two drive wheels at
rear, 56 in. diameter; Plows recommended — three 14-inch; Thresher recommended — 22 by 38; Length 156 inches. Width — 75 inches. Height — 105 inches. Weight — 5700 pounds. Price — $1600; Engine Erd,
4-cylinder, 4 by 6; vertical cast in block — 900 rpm. Transmission
Friction — six speeds, 1 to 4 mph. Final drive — spur gear and
pinion; Power take-off Pulley 14 by 8 in.; 650 to 1050 rpm. at
normal engine speed.
Now in this 1919 issue of the Tractor Index, I find that there
was 151 different makes manufactured 48 years ago. Thought the
readers of Gas Engine Magazine might be interested in knowing about
Those of us who live in the immediate Baltimore Area were
intrigued of course to see in the Sun paper Mr. Arthur Rooser’s
aggregation of early steam and gas engines assembled on his mighty
I think it is of such interest to engine fanciers that I am
prepared to pay the Baltimore Sun their fee of $22.50 so that it
may be reproduced with a copy of the Sun’s descriptive