By Staff
Published on November 1, 1967
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Courtesy of Nello Mungai, R. D. 1, Hickory, Pennsylvania 15340
Courtesy of Nello Mungai, R. D. 1, Hickory, Pennsylvania 15340
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Courtesy of F. D. Schrauth, 112 So. 5th St., St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Courtesy of F. D. Schrauth, 112 So. 5th St., St. Charles, Illinois 60174

R.D. 1, Hickory, Pa. 15340

I thought that you and your readers would be interested in my
collection. I am enclosing a photo of it. The one on the left is a
1923 Farmall Regular gas tractor, in the middle is a 1928 Chevrolet
one ton truck and on the right is a 1929 four-wheel drive
Massey-Harris tractor.

My sons Bill, Robert, and Bruce show a great deal of interest in
these and have been a great help in restoring them to good running
condition. The oldest boy Bill does the painting. When it came time
to paint the Massey-Harris tractor it was getting near show time,
and we had been trying to find out what the original color of this
tractor was, as the time was late he went ahead and painted it– on
his own, he decided it should be red, since this is a Farmall farm,
and for contrast added a generous amount of yellow. The secretary
of the Tri-State Historical Steam Engine Association took one look
and shaded his eyes. I know you know him Mr. Paul Crow of
Charleroi. On the first day of the show that year I got a call from
Toronto Canada, the headquarters of the Massey-Ferguson Company
giving me more data and particulars on this make of tractor and
among others the color which is a very dull army green. Well it is
still red.

The 1923 Farmall Regular Gas tractor on the left, a 1928
Chevrolet one ton truck in the middle and a 1929 four-wheel drive
Massey-Harris tractor.

A Go Gas Tractor, made by the General Ordinance Company in 1919,
14-28 Hp. A very rare tractor. There are only two others known to
be in existence. Runs by a friction drive, no transmission or
clutch. Owner is Ray Kestel, Manhattan, Illinois

Our boys are very proud to drive this equipment in our annual
show. Our show is always held the third Friday and Saturday of
September. This year the show will be the 15 and 16. I have been
the show manager for the last five years.

We are very proud of our show and have had many fine comments on
it. We have Eighteen steam Traction Engines, three portable steam
engines and sixteen old gas tractors plus other equipment that you
would see at a steam engine show. This number is promised to date
and we expect more. Each year we feature something different. This
year we are to have a steam well-driller.

Well Elmer I hope by this time that your health is much
improved. You know that you have many friends over the country
pulling for you.

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