2801 Old Limestone Road, Wilmington Del. 19808
Hope someone can tell me about this garden tractor and how old
it might be -I do not know how many of these are around. The
description I have is American Farm Machinery Company, Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Has one valve, mechanical [exhaust], the intake is free
floating. Gear case and engine is cast in same block. Has a Wico
magneto built in Springfield, Massachusetts, Type B1, Number B 1,
Number 14822, Pat. 1920.
Thanks for the many interesting items which you put in the
magazine which brings back many childhood days.
4 miles North of 1-95 and 5 miles South of Pa. line was the spot
for over 125 exhibits at our hottest party yet. Whatever the mean
temperature of Delaware is, it was the meanest those two days with
the heat. But with no rain the lawn held up well under the
‘chug-chug, footsie-footsies’ of the 45 different makes of
one-lungers, from Mr. Schaefer’s tiniest engine model to Ches
& Joanne Leis Rock Island and Massey Harris 4-wheel drive
An F-12 IHC and 1925 McCormick were shown by Raymond Lindell and
Dave Harwell. The old F-12 still had the original bronze bearings
supporting the crankshaft. Not to be outdone by the big ones,
Charles Sullivan Jr. had a splendid display of Maytags, 1913
Upright, 1923 #82, Twin Cylinder, Single Cylinder, and son, Doug,
showed his nice model Steam Roller. James Haldeman forgot to bring
the wash, but ran his 1-1/2 H.P. Mogul and wooden Majestic Washing
Machine anyway, just washing the air.
Clarence Lintz was running his German Fairyman Diesel and his
Aermotor showpiece. Other Aermotors were exhibited by Jim Riley and
Ray Robertson. Robert Lefever with more unusual engines, besides
his New Holland were the Nazy, Gray, and 4 H.P. Rumsey. Up from
Broadway, Va. was W. R. Runyan with a showy upright Fairbanks Morse
of 2 HP. Farthest from home would be Preston Foster, Warren, Ohio,
with a 1-1/2 HP Domestic. One of the 5 HP horizontal Ottos was
shown by Dave Reed. It kinda dwarfed his small ignitor Lauson.
Wayne Reed’s 2-1/2 Leader was outsized by Dad Harold Reed’s
7 H.P. Economy and the 6 H.P. Ohio. The other Otto belonged to Ron
McVey, along with the handsome 3 H.P. Badger, 3-1/2 H.P. Quincy,
1-1/2 H.P. Domestic and 1/2 HP New Holland.
Another glittering 1/2 HP New Holland was shown by Edgar Miller,
ad since John Deeres are scarce around here, Cliff Moyer brought
his down from Perkasie, – 1-1/2 HP. From Frederick, Md. came
Wm.& Paul Debolt with a Massy-Harris, Novo and Lauson, all 4 HP
and a 2 HP Jaeger. Wm. St. John was under the apple tree again
pumping water with the Fuller Johnson and Domestic, with a Lauson,
Lansing and New Holland keeping in time, the base supplied by the
big Witte booming every 20 seconds.
Herb Masten was down again from Northbrook, his 1-1/2 HP New
Holland as usual running like a new one. Not many folks had seen a
Foos engine, brought up from Eastern Shore, Md. by Eugene Hayes.
The Oscar Chapman’s were up from West Va. with their camping
trailer and the 2 HP Arco and Fuller Johnsons. We all like to see
the exhibits of George and Margaret Matthews, this time a real nice
Rider-Ericson hot-air engine, a 1 HP Brownwall and Economy and a
1-1/2 HP McCormick Deering.
Sam Jones showed up with a 1926 Model T Ford Pickup and Frank
Springer a 1902 Elmore 2 Cylinder car. Dave Sickler came from
Woodstown, N. J. with a beautiful display of many insulators of all
sizes, shapes, and colors. John and Robert Ritter came with a nice
3 HP Canadian Massey Harris and 2-1/2 HP Bulldog. Ben Clark had his
Lister engine in case his windmill stopped turning. H. B. Nicholson
brought an Essex Hot Air engine, a Crossley Radio and 2 water
powered fans.
At top left Mose Stauffer’s famous exhibit of gas, steam and
hot air. He made everything, including the boiler-from scratch. Top
Center shows John Mast’s big 15 HP Columbus, purchased by his
Grandfather many years ago, the largest engine at the party. And at
Top right is Robert Montgomery, steaming up, just before getting
too close to the fire and scorching the whiskers. Bottom Left is
Clarence Lintz with his German Fairyman Diesel and his beautiful
Aermotor. Bottom Center Mrs. Harold Reed, watching over son,
Dave’s 5 HP Otto and Waye’s 2-1/2 HP Leader, Note Ron
McVer’s nice Badger under the tree. Bottom right depicts Dick
Seibert showing Jim Carpenter how to make a fine adjustment on a
marine engine, in case Jim needs to make a quick get-away sometime
from the Coast Guard.
We don’t have enough space to list all the exhibits, but we
did appreciate them all, both restored, and un-restored. It is
better to bring an unpainted engine and join in the fun than not to
exhibit at all, and maybe you have helped someone see what a part
looks like that may be mission on an engine he has at home. (The
dates this year are June 8-9 and are listed in the coming events.)
Besides the friends and neighbors helping man the food booth and
other details, we had the helping hands from start to finish of
Lawrence Price, Harrington with his Wisconsin engine and of
Burgoyne Frank of Ellicott City with his I.H.C., Witte,
Continental, and Cunningham engines. (Be our guest in June