29729 Barber Rd, Trappe, Maryland 21673
While visiting a farmer in early June of 1993, I found a
partially assembled 1949 ’55’ Massey Harris tractor. Upon
talking with the farmer, he informed me that he didn’t have
time to put it together after it was taken apart. He also said that
he wanted to get rid of it. My friend Dale Boyles and I searched
and found most of the missing parts. I borrowed a rollback from Mr.
Bruce Collins to haul it to my residence.
On the first Saturday we could, we assembled it and got it
running. The engine was in good condition with a new valve job, and
early in July I sandblasted and painted it and got it ready for the
Tuckahoe Steam and Gas Show in Easton, Maryland.
We registered it for the tractor pull. I was put in the 10,000
pound class though it weighed 8,500 pounds. It is a very strong
tractor. I discovered I need some wheel weights. The Massey Harris
’55’ is a rare tractor for this area. I know of only one in
the area at this time. Since it sat for 15 years I am sure the
previous owner would be very surprised to see it now.