By Staff
Published on November 1, 1974
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Courtesy of Ronald and Christine Beem, Stillman Valley, Illinois 61084
Courtesy of Ronald and Christine Beem, Stillman Valley, Illinois 61084
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Courtesy of Ronald and Christine Beem, Stillman Valley, Illinois 61084
Courtesy of Ronald and Christine Beem, Stillman Valley, Illinois 61084

Stillman Valley, Ill.61084

DAVIS JUNCTION, ILL.: A festival atmosphere prevailed at the
North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, held at Hickory-Oaks Farm,
Davis Junction, Ill., Aug. 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Hundreds of people attended the four day event of numerous
exhibits and field demonstrations of agricultural methods of days
gone by. Visitors registered in the guest book from Canada, New
Mexico, California, South Dakota, New York, Florida, Colorado,
Michigan, Maryland, Kansas, Arizona, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio,
Wisconsin, Iowa, Texas, Indiana, Arkansas, and Illinois.

The idea of a Steam Show began eighteen years ago when George W.
Hedtke, President of North Central Illinois Steam Power Show,
bought his first steam engine, a threshing machine, and a water
wagon. The complete outfit was used to thresh grain in August of
1957, on a farm near the present show site. Hedtke’s show
interest has grown annually since that time, and he now owns a
tremendous amount of ancient farm machinery, including a
horse-powered threshing outfit, used annually and dating back to

For seven years the annual event was held on the King Farm,
Kings, Ill. The 1974 show marked the first year of the show at
Hickory-Oaks Farm, a 45 acre site, owned by Mr. Hedtke, which will
be the permanent home of the show.

Smiling joyfully is Mrs. Mary B. Hedtke, 79, Lindenwood,
Illinois as she rode in the parade in a single horsedrawn carriage
at Hickory-Oaks Farm, during the North Central Illinois Steam Power
Show in August. She was selected as the first ‘Queen’ of
the Steam Power Threshing Bee at Hickory-Oaks Farm. The farm, owned
by her son, George, will now be the permanent show site annually.
Mrs. Hedtke proudly is wearing her corsage and is holding her
harvest bouquet of oats and timber flowers, a gift arrangement from
the ladies of the show.

Hedtke plans to turn the area into an agricultural museum in
order to preserve a piece of our American heritage. In addition to
the various steam and horse powered equipment of yesteryears,
Hedtke will develop a Frontier Village of old time buildings at
Hickory-Oaks Farm. A harness shop, town hall, blacksmith shop, and
a barber shop, already have been donated for the Village site, and
are awaiting to be moved.

The officers of North Central Illinois Steam Power Show are
George Hedtke, president; Thomas Draus, vice-president; Emil
Svanda, secretary-treasurer; all of Davis Junction, Ill.; and Jon
Schwartz, assistant-secretary, of Rockford, Ill.

Something for Everyone

There was something for everyone at the beautiful newly formed
show site. Kids were given hay-rack rides and could be seen jumping
and throwing straw at one another in the giant straw pile at the
edge of the field. Also there were pony rides for them and buggy
rides. Seven teams of draft horses and mules took a great part in
the 1974 show, also numerous ponies.

The various steam and horse powered machinery was seen by
everyone in daily action in the field, and during the parade which
began each day at 2:00 p.m. One of the featured attractions in the
parade was the Liberty Bell Float. The 810 pound bronze bell, cast
in 1884, in Cincinnati, Ohio, originally came from the Leaf River
Methodist Church at Leaf River, Ill. Emil Svanda, one of the
officers of North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, bought the
huge bell at the Church Auction last November, and later consented
to resell the bell at its cost, to Leonard Appel, past president,
of Ogle County Taxpayers Association. The 810 pound bronze bell,
mounted on a newly arranged float by Mr. Appel, will be used
annually in parades. Leonard Appel rang the bell during the parade
at the Steam Show to signify ‘Let Freedom Ring’.

Mrs. Mary Hedtke, mother of North Central Illinois Steam Power
Show President, George Hedtke, was honored as the ‘Queen of the
Threshing Bee’, the first Queen of the Steam Power Show at
Hickory-Oaks Farm. Wearing a costume such as was worn in the early
part of the century, Mrs. Hedtke rode in the parade in a single
horse drawn carriage. She was presented a Queen’s bouquet of
harvest time flowers, and a corsage.

Hold Plowing Demonstrations

Throughout the day, demonstrations of plowing were held with the
power of steam engines and old gas tractors. Also horse plowing was
demonstrated, using a team of horses on a walking plow, 3 horses on
a gang plow, and 5 mules on a larger gang plow. Other daily
demonstrations included threshing with steam and horse power,
wire-tie straw baling, grain elevating using horse power and corn
shelling using a stationary gas engine. In operation daily also,
was a steam powered saw-mill, shingle mill, baker fan, and a
treadmill. There was rope and woven fence making demonstrated by
hand, plus rug weaving, wicker basket making, candle and soap
making, and spinning of wool to yarn by the ladies in the large
metal building recently built for show purpose and storage.

Of particular interest at the show was what could be called the
first copper tub washing machine, powered by a small stationary gas
engine. The gas engine pulley belted to the wash machine pulley,
rocked the wash-tub back and forth, creating an agitating motion to
clean the clothes. There also was an old time well pump, powered by
a gas engine, a method used years ago to pump water from the
ground. This nice working display was brought to the show by its
owner, Fred Emmerson of Elgin, III.

Fred Emerson of Elgin puts clothes through a wringer washer
powered by a diesel engine at the North Central Illinois Steam
Power Show held at Hickory Oaks Farm, Davis Junction, on Aug. 1,2,3
and 4.

Beem photo.

A 1919 Model ‘T’ truck (1 ton) caught the eye of many
show spectators, as well as did the numerous steam whistles on the
smoke belching engines, as they sounded off for a shut down for the
noon hour. Steam show time, is a great time down on the farm for
the young generation as well as the older generation. Its
educational for the young and reliving for the old.

Have Complete Facilities

The grounds had complete facilities with picnic tables for those
who brought their lunch, and for the concession stands that
provided popcorn, karmel corn, snow cones, taffy apples, cotton
candy, and other food items, for the general public. There was lots
of shade, drinking water and clean rest rooms. The Monroe Center
Fire Department was on hand with first-aid tent service this year.
As in the past years, the Monroe Center Union Church group, served
daily meals, breakfast, dinners, and supper in the huge main
building which will house the machinery during the winter months.
The Union Church group certainly are complimented for their fine
service and interest. The dining area was arranged for seating 300
people. Church Services were held at the show grounds, Sunday, Aug.
4, with a great attendance.

Even though the first two days of the show were overcast and
threatened rain, those who came and saw the ancient machinery and
demonstrations, came away with a better sense as to what America is
all about. President Hedtke spoke from his speaker stand, Thursday
and Friday at noon, and said, ‘Folks we are in badly need of
rain to save the crops, and to avoid hunger; we can always have a
show.’ Saturday and Sunday drew a tremendous crowd, making the
1974 show, a success at Hickory-Oaks Farm. Remember the show next
year, the first week-end in August.

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