He Has Area’s 1st Gas Engine

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1974
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George Schmeling with his 1928 Rumley Farm Tractor, one of many interesting machines in his collection. BDR photos--Rahorn
George Schmeling with his 1928 Rumley Farm Tractor, one of many interesting machines in his collection. BDR photos--Rahorn
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Courtesy of Dennis Dimond, Managing Editor of Belvidere Daily Republican Newspaper
Courtesy of Dennis Dimond, Managing Editor of Belvidere Daily Republican Newspaper

We thank Dennis Dimond, Managing Editor of Belvidere Daily
Republican newspaper for permission to use the following story and

Little did George Schmeling know that in 1914 when his father,
August Schmeling, Sr. purchased his first gas engine that it would
soon be one of his collectors items. Schmeling, R.R. 1, Caledonia,
now has an interesting collection of restored antique farm
machinery he has collected for several years.

‘In 1914 my father purchased a gas engine that Fairbanks
& Moores Light Plant used to supply electricity. It was used
for pumping water to the stock, to saw wood (which supplied the
fuel to heat the house) and to pump water into the house to run the
washing machine. And, since this was the first gas engine in the
area, my father and I along with some of the neighbors built a
power line out from Caledonia which is still in use now.’
Schmeling said.

Since then, Schmeling has collected 22 gas engines, three
antique tractors and two thrashing machines. He restored most of
the machinery back to its original color and condition because he
wanted ‘to display it at the Boone County Fair to show the
younger generation how farming was done years ago.’

‘I suggested displaying my collection to the fair board a
few years ago and I have been doing it for the last five
years.’ reminisced Schmeling.

Even though Schmeling has great pride for his antiques he
can’t deny that they are antiques and that modern farming
equipment has greatly helped the farmer in this day and age.
‘Where it used to take two or three men in the past now one man
can do the same job with the modern machinery–if he can afford it!
Yet, the first of the farm machinery was simple and basic, but it
certainly was an improvement from the horse, he said with a

The antique farm machinery collector estimates that his old
machinery has increased in value two-thirds of what it was when he
first started collecting. Yet, he doesn’t plan on selling any
of his collection –they are strictly a hobby, not a business.

Does he have a hard time finding and restoring his antiques?
Some of his old gas engines have come from as far as Canada, North
Dakota, and Minnesota. And, he tries to repaint each to its
original color and repair it to its original condition.

Schmeling has had ‘callers’ from as fas as California,
Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Southern Illinois visit him for
the sole purpose of viewing his antique farm machinery collection.
And he and his ‘faithful companion’ Zeb, a 125 pound German
Shepherd dog as happy to unveil his unusual collection.

Schmeling restores all the machinery he collects.

However, Schmeling admits that he didn’t find all his items
single-handedly. Duane Richards, a member of Rock River Thrashery,
helped him ‘many years with my work. He is a wonderful fella,
and is always willing to help. He has been an especially big help
to me at the Boone County Fair.’

Why doesn’t George Schmeling display his collection at other
fairs and exhibitions? ‘I’m connected with the Boone County
Fair and I think we have a very nice fair and I’m all for
anyone who works hard to help make it such a nice fair.’

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