Frick Tractor Factory

By Staff
Published on May 1, 2003
article image

Following on the heels of Gene McLaughlin’s picture of an
early Frick 15-28 (GEM, March 2003, page 23) is this photo of the
Frick factory in the late teens.

Sent in by reader Mike Rohrer, this shot shows what appear to be
Frick 12-25 tractors in the midst of assembly. Introduced in 1918,
the 12-25 was Frick’s first entry in the gas tractor market.
Power came from an Erd four-cylinder engine with a 4-inch bore and
6-inch stroke.

The introduction of a gas tractor was a milestone for Frick Co.,
Waynseboro Pa., which made its name building steam traction
engines. Like many old-line companies, Frick was working feverishly
to move into the new and growing gas tractor market. Unfortunately,
Frick failed to hold the market and all tractor production ended in

Contact engine enthusiast Mike Rohrer at: 12025 Steven Ave.,
Smithsburg, MD 21783;

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