Engine Parts Stolen

By Staff
Published on September 1, 2000

111 N. Cherokee Girard, Kansas 66743

Several years ago, I bought a 1920, 20-40 OilPull from Chady
Atteberry. He kept the tractor at the Pawnee, Oklahoma, show
grounds, and I have also kept the tractor at the show grounds year
round in a limited access storage building. This year when I
arrived on a Wednesday (I had not been there since the year
before), I found two exhaust rocker arms missing. It appears some
low-life stole them and probably sold them on the black market to
someone too cheap or lazy to have a set made for themselves.

Now I’ll have to go to the time and expense to have a pair
made, which I expect could cost as much as $200 by the time they
are finally finished.

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