111 Pratt Street Madison, North Carolina 27025
The above shown is an Morse built around 1945. The vertical
engine is a 8 HP Fairbanks engine. The vertical engine is a 4 HP
Cushman. To the right is a 3 cylinder Maytag pulling a D.C.
generator making three bulbs burn. On left edge is super cyclone
model airplane engine with twin ignition.
This is a 3 cylinder, 4 cycle marine engine that has the name of
Advance but was built by Ralph B. Carter Co. of New York in 1920,
engine is a Fuller & Johnson, owned by Willard Moore of
Jamestown, N.C. [These pictures from Daniel Boone Steam & Gas
This is a Friend engine, 1917, Harvey, Illinois owned by J. C.
Conner. Standing behind is Tommy Payne of Madison, N.C.
This is ‘Humdinger’ contractor’s pump built by Ralph
B. Carter Co. of New York in 1920, engine is a Fuller &
Johnson, owned by Willard Moore of Jamestown, N.C. [These pictures
from Daniel Boone Steam & Gas Jamboree.]
The day began with cloudy skies and a 60% possibility of rain as
I headed east on highway 1-85 toward Hillsborough, North Carolina.
In the car were such things as folding chairs, canvas covers,
Thermos jugs, as well as three excited young sons. Behind all this
was my trailer loaded with an assortment of engines all shined up
and ready to stretch their muscles after a winter of hibernation. I
was quite apprehensive in as much as this was the first effort of
Willard Moore and myself to promote a crank-up in the spring of the
year. The location of the Daniel Boone Campgrounds was new for
crank-ups but ideal in all it had to offer.
I thought I was early when I arrived, but as I pulled into the
general area I could see a column of smoke rising and hear that
magnificent sound of a large one lunger starting up. I hurriedly
unhooked my trailer and parked the car so I could start looking
around. One of the first exhibits I came to was a Humdinger
contractors’ pump owned and restored by Willard Moore of
Jamestown, N.C. This is not only one of the finest restorations I
have ever seen, but it is always seen in operation pumping water
from one tank to another. It was built by Ralph B. Carter Co. of
New York in 1920 and has a Fuller and Johnson engine for power.
Mr. Bryan Duncan of Rt. 4, High Point, N.C. brought his model
live steam traction engine. He built this engine from scratch. It
is a well-built machine and runs very smoothly.
My latest engine, an Associated 2-1/4 HP Hired man with hit and
miss governing, No. 117319. The little girl is my daughter, not the
best photo of her I’m afraid, but it’s the engine we’re
concerned with at this point. I wonder if any readers know what
period this engine was produced.
I have 16 engines in my collection which includes Associated,
International, Lister, Petter, Ruston Hornsby, Wolseley and a Witte
drag saw. I usually take one to a shw once a month. The older
engines are becoming increasingly difficult to find. I should
think 90% are in the hands of collectors and the odd scrap merchant
or garage owner has 5% and the remainder are probably still hidden
away on the farms, but the days of finding an engine in an old barn
are long gone.
I’m interested in swapping any photographs and the engines I
am interested in are the Internationa! and Associated.
Courtesy of David Hunt, Mount Pleasant, Winterslow, Salisbury,
Wiltshire, England.
An unusual engine was owned and displayed by Mr. J.C. Conner of
Hillsborough, N.C. called the ‘Friend’ made by the Friend
Engine Co. of Harvey, Illinois in 1917.
Mr. James Freeland of Hills-borough, N.C, the owner of the
Daniel Boone Campgrounds, motel and land on which the crank-up was
held had a truly great collection of antique automobiles,
motorcycles, road building equipment, and tractors as well as a
narrow gauge steam train. Part of his collection that he had
running was a Huber steam traction engine size 16-48 and was made
about 1912. It Was operated both Saturday and Sunday by a fine
gentleman by the lame of Bobby Miller.
On the author’s trailer is an 8 HP Fairbanks Morse that was
found new – still in the crate, in Danville, Va. about three years
ago. Next to it is a 4 HP Cushman Model C. Next to that on the left
is a Super Cyclone twin ignition model airplane engine. On the
right is a two Cyl. Maytag pulling an old Peerless D.C. generator
that powers three 100 watt light bulbs.
An attention-getter is owned by Mr. Robert Varner, Jr. of Rt. 8,
Box 286, Asheboro, N.C. and is an Advance two cylinder four cycle
marine engine built by the H.F. Bock and Co., Antioch, Illinois.
This is an exceptionally smooth-running engine especially at slow
A 1903 model F Peerless steam engine owned by William Grimley of
Durham, N.C. had no shortage of wood for fuel as Author’s son,
Scotty, was seen to be constantly carrying armloads of the stuff.
Just where he got it I don’t know and was afraid to ask.
This, of course, is not all of the engines on display and I wish
I could describe them each and every one as well as the antique
automobiles shown by the local club chapter. Everyone had a good
time and we look forward to an even larger show next spring.