Unidentified Estate Sale Engine

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on November 14, 2018
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Photo by Dale Rieppel

Dale Rieppel bought this engine at an estate sale one block from his house. “What caught my attention was the Fairbanks magneto on the engine,” Dale says, adding, “My grandson Keegan Murphy and I restored it and got it running. We take it to shows and pump water with it.” Dale says there’s no tag on the engine, and the only possible identification is a four-digit number on it. “But I don’t think it means anything,” he adds. He had to make a head gasket to get it running. Dale says that nobody has been able to identify it. If you know what the engine is, drop Dale a line, and GEM, as well, so we can pass the info along.

Photo by Dale Rieppel

Dale Rieppel
1243 Vernon Dr.
Carver, MN 55315

See Dale Rieppel’s 1931 Fairbanks-Morse 15 hp Z.

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