Jacobsen Mower Engine Identification

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on November 20, 2017
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Somehow we missed a letter from regular contributor Andrew Mackey, who wrote in several months ago about an engine reader Ron Martin has (GEM, Flywheel Forum 51/4/2). Ron was looking for positive identification for the 2-stroke, 2-cylinder engine he’d come across, telling us he’d been told by a few people that it might be a Jacobsen. 

Andrew’s letter included a photocopy of a Jacobsen ad from the December 1939 issue of National Geographic Magazine. The photocopy won’t print well here, but Ron’s engine and the engine used in the Jacobsen ad are without question one and the same. The ad specifies a 32-inch reel mower and 2-speed transmission. It looks like a really interesting mower. If anyone has an original copy of the ad, we’d love to see it.

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