How long does a John Deere last? Jeffrey Johns (P.O. Box 6279,
Stockton, CA 95206), a heavy equipment mechanic with a John Deere
industrial dealer, is trying to find out. Jeff’s collection
includes a 1? HP #255090, 3 HP #304302, and a 6 HP #305799. ‘I
guess I just could not stop after restoring the 3 HP. I knew I had
to have a 1? and a 6 HP to go with it.’
A trailer was also built and the other two engines restored just
in time for the 1989 EDGE&TA National Meet in Pottsville.
‘I would like to thank Reed Equipment Company of Stockton,
California for their cooperation and use of their facilities. Also
my old engine buddies Floyd Schmall and Charlie Johns for their
help on this project. It was a lot of work, but well worth the
effort. My next project, already in the works, is a 5 HP.