Our Model T Ford roadster, assembled from parts.
Courtesy of Barr Bros., Route 2, Fullerton, Nebraska 68638
This nicely restored Brown engine with the large original water
cooling tank is owned by Ross Pino of Covington, Pennsylvania and
is on display each year at the Tioga County Early Days Show held at
Whitneyville, Pennsylvania.
Courtesy of George F. Kempher, 110 7th Street, Emporium,
Pennsylvania 15834
This is our ‘Swift Messenger’, Mohn Deboskey, Annandale,
Virginia as he takes off on another errand on his trusty steed, an
antique garden tractor, which he restored. When it comes to speed,
we can show the post office how to do it.
This is one of our gas engines at the Berryville, Virginia –
Shenandoah Valley Show, 1974.
Courtesy of William E. Hall, 15700 Santini Road, Burtonsville,
Maryland 207307
This is our pony cart for children’s rides as it comes
through the parade, followed by Tom Ackerman’s 1930 V16
Cadillac, bearing our secretary, Linda Giles of Bunker Hill, West
Virginia, and others. Linda seems to always ride up front with
Wayne Boerum, Silver Springs, Maryland, the chauffer – I wonder
An 80 HP Otto. At left is David Holcomb, Jr. of Gibsonburg, Ohio
and on right is Harold Ottaway, Wichita, Kansas, the owner.
Photo by R. Vohland, Washington, Illinois 61571
Top picture shows my portable sawmill at Solon Springs. I pass
my time at this. This is Pulp wood country and I get some logs from
the pulp cutters, all pine. I saw the timber to build my sheds
where we have the machinery at Beldenville.
Picture shows Fairbanks-Morse oil engine. Date on name plate is
1909. Found near Lake Superior. It was pulled out of the swamp and
restored beautifully. Muffler on back is black and weighs 500
pounds. It was some experience putting it on wheels, was told would
not work by some enthusiast, but works fine. We thresh with it, 24
inch, 1903 wood thresher last year.
Courtesy of E. G. Huppert, R.R. 1, Box 437, Solon Springs,
Wisconsin, 54873